Day 12. Sucks To Be You

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Since today was Monday I put the least effort into my outfit of choice. I wore a overgrown white shirt, black leggings and Converse. I let my hair do its own thing.

First period was Math which I sucked at so I took my time to get there. Instead I walked slowly with Alexa and talked about random subjects like we normally always do.

''Are you going Coachella? It's April 10th to 12th.'' I asked Alexa, who was leaning against her locker smacking on chewing gum.

''I wanna but... I don't know.'' she shrugged her shoulders.

''Please come, it's going to be hype.'' I pleaded.

''I'll see what I can do.'' she smiled and began walking.

I nodded my head and followed beside her, we had a different subject from one another but our classes were right beside eachother.

I walked inside Math , which I was 5 minutes late to , oh well.

''You're late Ms Ryanair.'' Mr Shantoef yawned, watching me walk into the room.

Did he really have to project my lateness as if I didn't know it myself? Unneccessary .

''My bad.'' I slumped into my seat and took out my supplies.

''Sir I think she deserves a half an hour for detention for being late and attitude.'' Jason called from the seat behind me.

I turned around in my chair to face him and gave him an 'are you serious?' look. He seemed amused and chuckled.

''I agree with you Mr Carter. If she decides to change her behaviour , I might just let her off.'' Mr Shantoef said .

Seriously? Ugh.

''I'm so ignoring you.'' I called to Jason without even turning to look at him.

''I was ignoring you first .'' he laughed.


''Okay so class, who's got the answer to Question Number 2?''

-Lunch -

I sat at our usual table. Jeda was at Jason's table with her new friend Briana. All of us had only just now found out she ditched us for Queen Whore.

''I can't believe Jeda would do something like that.'' Alexa hissed, taking a vicious bite of her sandwich.

''She's changing so much. All because of Jason. He's just a human not a fucking prince.'' Tori cried, shaking her head in dismay.

''Aslong as she doesn't mess with me , you guys , or Ryan then I'm fine. It's just the fact that she's hanging out with Briana that erks my soul.'' Kaitlin spoke.

All of us were looking over at Jeda sitting beside Jason, hanging on to his every word as if he was speaking words from God.

''Lame.'' Alexa fake yawned, facing back around.

''Anyway, what's going on with you and Jason?'' Kaitlin questioned, looking at me.

''Nothing. '' I lied.

''Liar.'' they all said in unison.

''Well we've kissed as you guys already know. But he flirts with Jeda ... his priorities aren't straight so it's whatever.'' I shrugged my shoulders carelessly and bit into my granola bar.

''I'd rather you get with him than the recruited slut over there.'' Alexa grumbled.


''Well who else am I talking about?'' Alexa scoffed.

No way was I ready for a relationship. There was too much going on , plus ever since I hung out with Jason, my attitude was changing into Jeda's which I disliked alot.

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