Chapter Three - Spilled Milk

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Continuation from part two

Some sexual smutty stuff but not a lot of hard smut just a little touching going on.

I kept feeling Noah's eyes burn into my head, and when I took the chance to look back, all I saw was the slut's jealousy.. easy girl, you can have him! But even though I thought this, it still hurt. My chest went tighter, I can't believe it, am I jealous.. but what's there to be jealous about, he's a prick and she's a slut, they are perfect for each other!

To distract me I went back to hungrily stuffing down my food.

"fat bitch..." the blond bimbo whispered under her breath thinking I didn't hear it! Oh. No, she. Didn't!!

"Excuse me... see, I hope, for your sake that you didn't say that to me!" Shock and fear filled her plastic surgery-filled face until she started to feel confidant because she was in Noah's arms... but Noah did not attempt to protect her! ha!

"And what if it was, you fat, poor... Before she could finish I had stood up, pushing my chair making it fly across the room and slapping her so hard that she fell from Noah's lap and onto the floor... I was quite proud of myself, to be honest! Haha!

The once gossip and chatting-filled cafeteria had now turned into silence with the occasional whisper... all eyes were now on me...

I didn't mean to go that far but it was when she mentioned poor, that was my weak point!! I can't help being poor... it's not like it was a life choice, like me and my mother are doing it for fun!!

She stood up, cupping her now red hot cheek with my handprint marked deep... oooooh, nice that left a mark!

Anger filled her, her eyes burning- but she knew she couldn't take me.. not with my many years of football under my belt.

She went towards Noah, tugging on his arm, "look, baby, look what that bitch did to me!" Noah pulled his arm away from her and up in a defensive position,

"you dug your own grave here, this is your fight!" haha! This made the smile on my face spread wider in satisfaction over no one taking her side... not even the guy I thought was my enemy!

Now realizing that no one was going to help her, she swiftly turned on her heel, toward the table. In one swift movement, she had flung my meal on the floor- smashing the plate into tiny pieces and wasting all the delicious food that remained on it... that was the final straw!

I did nothing but stand still, looking at the floor where the remains of my food laid. No one moved nor said anything.. obviously sensing the anger boiling from within me.

"Oh no" Bryce whispered in horror

"Why what, she just knocked her plate over..." Blake said confused at why I would get so angry over food on the floor, and I know the saying, 'there's no use in crying over spilled milk' but when you're poor like me and don't know when, where or what your next meal will be.. when you do get food you take it and don't waste one single piece!

"Yeah, but there are two things you do not want to mess with Dixie over, one- to say that football is better than rugby, the second is to not mess with her food!!" With Bryce's serious face, the other guys stopped joking and laughing, and mirrored the scare in his voice, realizing that he was being deadly serious!

I snapped from my thoughts, only anger filling my mind as charged, full force at that whore! Only seeing red, steam rising from my ears, my fist curling at my sides... I was going to do some serious damage to her face!!

I pulled back my arm to build momentum, but before I had the chance, strong arms curled around my waist, pulling me away from making a big mistake of teaching this bimbo a lesson and getting myself in big trouble! I struggled in the protective arms wrapped around my slender waist, wishing he let me finish my fight.. but also wishing to never be apart from the warmth and protectiveness I was feeling!

The bimbo ran out of the room, taking advantage of the opportunity that has saved her life. It took a while for me to calm down, and the room began to build with noise again, but the arm never left my body.

Now completely relaxed I turned in the stranger's arms to see who had restrained me, to find Noah. He wasn't his usual stuck-up self, instead, I saw a strong and powerful man with what seemed like lust in his eyes... when I focused I felt something a little hard on my stomach and I began to giggle at Noah's erection!

His cheeks turned slightly red, showing his embarrassment, but he still held me close.. even pulling me closer to him! loved the comfort that the warmth of his body gave me and I didn't want to let go... I didn't ever want to leave his arms, instead, I wanted to wrap my arms around him, closing the little space that there was between us.

His erection pressed harder against me, turning me on to the point where I started to feel wet between my legs.. oh no! I needed to stop this.. but I couldn't!

I lifted my arms to place them around his hard body.. until the bell went, saving me from embarrassing myself, from giving into Noah charms.

We pulled away from each other, I ran my hands through my smooth dirty blond hair and Noah coughed, and adjusted his belt - trying to fix the problem in his pants.

"How about we have the party at mine, my parents are out of town and the alcohol has been topped up!" Noah said and the guys chaired at the mention of alcohol

"Sure I don't mind.." Addi added before picking up her back and following the guys to her next lesson, do I really have no say in the matter!! Noticing I was going to be left with Noah as the room began to empty I quickly grabbed my bag and ran after Addi.

"what are you playing at!!" I shouted at Addi as I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to face me. "I'm not going!"

"Awwww no! why?"

"Erm... because not only is Noah going... but it's now at his house!!"

"Yeah so... I'll pick you up and 5:30 tonight.. oh and wear something cute." She winked at me and left me standing there in amazement.. did she not hear what I said!! Ughhhh! This was going to be a long Friday night...

-Noah's P.O.V

Wow, where did all that anger and power come from in such a petite woman!! I was impressed, but when I held her close, I could feel her muscles on my body.. did she like sports!! she just keeps surprising me and getting hotter and hotter!

How was I going to go through the rest of today thinking of her body, her body so close to mine... and she was coming to mine tonight!! oh crap! my dick hardened even more just thinking about her... I needed to sort it out before I suffer through class!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this. Another two or three coming today. Bye, love you guys.

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