Chapter Twenty - Hotel

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Continuation from chapter nineteen

Sorry for a short chapter

-Noah's P.O.V

I love Tuesday after school because I have football practice and so does Dixie! I get to look at her run around, bouncing her lush big breast and getting all sweaty. I also love the concentration on her face as she plays then the jaw-dropping smile and little victory dance when she scores a touchdown! I could watch her all day, but when I do, even for a moment I start to go hard...

"Everyone gather!" Coach Scott boomed through the speaker, getting my football team's and Dixie's attention. I ran over to him in the middle of the huge field and met up with Dixie. Not having her in my arms, not having her warmth fill me and comfort me- I felt lost!

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me, protecting her from the many stairs of the guys. I stare back at them until they quiver in their shoes and quickly snap their heads away.

Scott was not in the greatest shape, considering he was a sports teacher. He was balding in the middle, with hair only on the sides of his head, and I think it is because of his looks that he has been getting angrier and angrier when he talked to people.

"Ok, hush down!" Scott shouted, silencing the crowd before he continued. "The playoffs are in a couple of weeks and it has officially been announced that we will be facing Oakland high school and it'll be in their home grounds." The crowd moaned... there's less chance of winning when you're on the opponent's turf because you don't have as much of the crowd supporting your team because of the distance.. but I have faith in our team. We'll crush them! "So get your guardians to sign these because we'll be staying overnight in a hotel, so bring a check of $150 for the hotel room by Friday, latest!"

At the mention of money, I could feel Dixie tense beneath me and instinctively my hold on her tightened. I wanted to help her out, but I don't want a repeat of last time by throwing my money at her... I want to help, but I also have to tread lightly because I promised myself I would never let Dixie cry over something I did!

I leaned down, resting my chin on her shoulder and brushed my lips on her ear "I have a great idea!"

From my sudden contact, Dixie jumped but soon relaxed and leaned into me, "hum, and what would that be?" a curious smile stretched across her flawless face, just when think she can't become more beautiful!

"How about we get a room with a double bed?" this benefits us both, Dixie wouldn't have to pay and I will get to snuggle into my Dixie all night!

"Why Noah, if I didn't know you any better I would think you're trying to have your way with me!" she giggled as she tried to act innocent, bringing an even bigger smile to my face.

"Oh, Miss D'Amelio I am hurt that you would think I would do such a thing!" we both burst out into laughter.

"but on one condition.." Dixie suddenly went serious and turned to face me "we split the bill.." she really was stubborn, but that just added to her charm because it is the first time a girl loved me for me and not because of my money.

I exhaled, "no need to worry, my family owns the hotel so it's free anyway" I looked away not sure of how she would take it if she would accept my offer.

She surprised me by gently placing her hands on my cheeks, guiding my eyes back to her intense loving gaze. "sounds great" she whispered then softly placed her lips on mine. It made me so happy that she's letting me look after her, caring for her for once! I pulled her closer to my chest trying to close the space between us, I hated being apart from her.

"I love you!" "I love you too!" "Oh, and since I had the pleasure of meeting your mom, I would like you to meet my father. He's coming back from his business trip from China for a week and I thought he would like to meet my girl!" I'm worried over how my father will react to Dixie being poor, but maybe now he will stop forcing me to go on dates with rich daughters of his business partners.

"I can't wait to meet him! and wait... so I'm you're girl now!" the corners of Dixie's lips curled as she tried to maintain a straight face, but was failing miserably.

I kissed her roughly on her full, sweet lips, "Yes mine!" I felt her hot breath on my lips from the little chuckle that escaped her mouth causing a twitch in my pants! Ughh!! I need her!

To be continued...


Sorry for another short chapter anyways enjoy this and have a great day love you all.

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