Chapter Twenty-Two - Threat

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Continuation from chapter twenty-one

"Hi, mum I'm home!" I shouted when I walked through the door.

"Oh hi love, how was school?" She said back from the kitchen. I threw my bag on the couch and joined her at the kitchen table.

"hum... it was alright" I sighed heavily, I haven't been able to concentrate all day because of the meal I had with the most arrogant man alive last night! Every time I think of Tim Beck I get so angry!

"Do you want to talk about it?" I love my mum, she could always see right through me. I smiled warmly with the love I felt.

"No, everything's fine" my mum nodded her head slowly and smiled... she wasn't believing any of it!

"ok then... anyway, I need to get to work, bring home the bacon and all!" she giggled, a sweet innocent smile splitting her face that made me laugh too.

*ring ring*

"I'll get it" My mother ran to the phone on her way out of the house.

"Hello?... oh, I'm just on my way.. what? Why? Have I done something wrong?" My mother's eyebrows pushed together in confusion and sadness... who was that on the phone? She sat down, bracing herself from what was being said on the other side of the phone. "ok.. bye" her last words were just whispers, scaring me more!

"Are you ok mum? Who was that?" I ran over to her and knelt in front of her but she only dazed off into the distance, unable to speak. "mum?"

"That was the cleaning agency... all my clients have asked for another cleaner in my place and because of my apparent 'poor service' I'm fired..."

"But you're their best worker!" wait... no! "Tim.." I whispered

"What love?"

"oh nothing.. I'll talk to Noah, he can help us out!" I ran out of the house, how could Tim do this?! He used his money and power to fire my mother, just so that would leave his son!

I stopped running and doubled over, clutching my knees to get my breath back.. where am I going? What am I going to do? I can't go to Noah's because his father's probably there... I love Noah, and I can't break up with him! but then my mother... We need that job to live UGHHHH! It was all going so well before that prick came!

I fell to my knees and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer... I love both Noah and my mother and now I have to decide to be with either one or the other, how could someone ask such a thing!

I didn't know where else to go so I ran to Addi's and told her everything!

"What a... a... BASTARD!!!" Addi jumped up from her bed in anger, whilst I stayed sitting, hugging my knees to my chest.

"I know... and I don't know what to do" "Why don't you talk it through with Noah?"

"Because I don't want to get between him and his father.. even though his father is pure evil, Noah respects and loves him... and Tim is the only parent he has, I can't take him away from that, I can't make him choose between me and his father!"

"But isn't that what Tim's asking of you? To choose between your mom and Noah?"

"That's why I don't want to put Noah in that position because I know how it feels!" We sat in silence for a moment, thinking of the possible ways to approach my problem.

"I know you don't like it, but I could always give you and your mom money until you're on your feet again..." Addi is so kind, and I love her so much!

"Thank you, but no... I can't. I don't like owing people.. not since..." since Marc... I can't go back to that, I can't put me and my mother through the pain, through having to owe someone so much!

"I'm sorry... I forgot"

"It's ok" I swung my head in exhaustion and began to cry, hugging my legs closer to my chest for comfort.

"Shhh, everything's going to be alright Dixie" Addi cuddled up next to me. Brushing the hair from my face and rubbing my back. I was so tired from all that has happened this week and cried myself into a deep sleep, cuddling up to the warmth of my friend.


"So what are you going to do today?" Addi asked as she brushed her teeth, shouting from the bathroom. I slipped on the top I had borrowed from Addi, it wasn't much just a plain black t-shirt and a hoodie over it and dark blue jeans... I didn't feel up to dressing up.

"I'm going to miss school today, I need to find a job.. and soon!" I can't forget that now Noah's family owns my house.. so I have to act fast before Tim finds out that Noah had bought it... "Also I don't think I could face Noah. He'll know instantly that there's something wrong and will force it out of me and I don't think I'm ready to tell him yet."

Addi stood in the bathroom doorway, her eyebrows pulled together... I really hate it when people feel sorry for me, it's always the same look...

"Everything's fine Addi, thank you for letting me stay last night" I put on my best possible smile. "Oh and if Noah asks, please just say I'm not well, please!" I knew Addi wasn't the best at lying.. but I begged her to try.

"I will don't worry!" Her shaky smile from uncertainty made me worry more... maybe I should have asked Bryce to lie for me, he is a much better liar. I hugged her and left, in search of a job and I couldn't shake this feeling that I hadn't heard the last of Tim Beck...

"Sorry, we're just not hiring," The acne-covered teen manager said after hearing my name.. this is my ninth job interview and it's all the same, as soon as they hear my name suddenly they're not hiring anymore or the spot has already been filled...

"But there's a sign outside saying 'help wanted'

"erm.. well.. we forgot to take that down.. that spot was filled this morning.." did he expect me to buy this shit! Something smells fishy!

"oh ok, but before I leave can I ask who owns Mike's Milkshakes?" I tried to act calmly...

"Well actually, as of this morning Beck & Son Inc..." I knew it! Tim had already gotten around to every possible workplace and told them not to hire me!! I scrunched my hands into a fist by my sides to try and control some of the anger, but it didn't work.. my whole world was crashing down around me just because I fell in love with some rich, arrogant man's son!!!

In my rage, I knocked over the table and smashed a few glasses before storming out of the café. It didn't help the situation but it sure did make me feel a whole lot better!

I shook my head out of my rage, I needed to concentrate! If he's already gotten this far... then he must already know about our house! "MUM!" I screamed before running as fast as I could home... please let it be ok, please, please...

To be continued...


That's it for tonight hope you guys enjoyed this have a good day love you all.

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