Chapter Nineteen - Meeting Mother

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Continuation from chapter eighteen

Short chapter, sexual stuff

One Week Later...

-Dixie's P.O.V

It had already been a week since I and Noah had... made up. I had told my mother all about Noah and thought it was time she met him.

"Would you stop faffing around!" I shouted at my mum as she ran around the house trying to clean and neaten the place up more. Even though it's impossible to clean anymore as she had spent the whole night and morning cleaning! My mum had even got the day off work, which was surprising as Saturdays were her busiest days.

"I can't stop love, it's the first time he'll be here and want to make a good impression" oh yeah... I haven't told her that he has already been here before... that he has spent the night.. but I think I'll save that information for later.. much, much later in life!

*ding dong*

The doorbell rang and I frantically ran for the door to get there before my mother. I swung the door open, revealing the magnificent, god-like Noah. His 6ft4 muscular body filled the door frame.

I leaned into his body, wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my tiptoes so that my mouth could reach his ear.

"my mum doesn't know that you've spent the night.. play along!" I whispered in his ears. I pulled away to find an amused smile spreading on his face, it scared and excited me, like I was going to have to owe him for lying...

"Hello, I'm Heidi D'Amelio, Dixie's Mother. It's a pleasure to finally meet you" My mum stretched out her hand to greet Noah. Noah took her hand,

"The pleasure is all mine!" Who is this man?! I scoffed. He has never acted this... nicely around me! Although I was grateful because his fake gentleman behaviour gave me the creeps!

"This way" I cut in as my mother was beginning to check Noah out! Oh, behave mother!! I guided Noah to our kitchen and sat him on our small four placing table in between me and my mother.

"That was delicious, thank you, Mrs. D'Amelio!"

"Please, call me Heidi. And you're most welcome" My mother smiled brightly at the compliment as she took our plates away. "Oh Dixie, love, could you go get me some more ice from the garage"

"sure" I walked out the kitchen and to the back door when I felt Noah grab my hand and pull me in the opposite direction. "What are you doing?!?" I quickly turned my head in the direction of my mother, but she had her back to us washing the dishes. Thank god!

"Shhh!" Noah whispered as he pulled me into my bedroom. He shut the door. And before I could question him he had his lips on mine! It felt so exciting making out while my mother was in the next room.

Noah pushed me against the wall and instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist pushing his hard cock against my wet pussy, lusting for him. He started to rock his shaft against me and I let out a moan from desire which gave him access to go deeper into my mouth. He expertly explored my mouth, our tongues stroking and playing with each other. He tasted so sweet! I wanted him, he wanted me, here, now!!

"no... not... here" I whispered through my heavy breaths, I want to do this, but not when my mother is only inches away! I tried to push him away but before I knew it he had both of my hands in one of his above my head, his other slowly making its way down my body. He guided his hand teasingly over my now oversensitive breast and down to my throbbing pussy that was screaming for his touch!

He teasingly pulled his hand back up and my breast, pulling and flicking my nipple over the fabric of my dress...I needed him!

"Please...!" I gasped begging, my body was starting to quiver from the pleasurable pain between my legs. I could feel his smile as he kissed me... he was enjoying the power he had over me!

He slid his hand back down and into my panties... only inches away!

"Say my name" he stilled his movement and leaned down and kissed me.

"Noah..." I moan and he pushes two fingers into me, slowly and tantalizingly moving them in and out! But I was too hungry for him to play his tricks so I began to move my hips and push down on him... needing release!! "please...." I cried.

"mmmm! You're so wet... I could just leave you like this." Noah smiled his wicked smile, NO! please don't!

Now it's time I teased him into giving me what I want. I try to push against the restraints of his hand so I can pleasure myself... I was getting so worked up and I needed release!

I leaned into him, my lips brushing against his ear. I bit down on his earlobe then seductively licked it.. "please... Noah.." His breath was hot against my neck as I felt the smile spread across his face, and his thumb relentlessly began to circle my clitoris and his inserted fingers picked up speed.

I moaned, loud! But muzzled my face into Noah to try and mute the sound that uncontrollably left me... I can't let my mother hear.. but knowing someone was right next to us turned me on more!!

He continued the rhythmical movement inside me, my legs began to stiffen and I pushed against my restraints, I am so close to the edge...

"Come for me, baby!" Noah commanded in my ear and that was all my body needed! I convulse around him as I climax, one of the most extreme orgasms I had ever had! I shatter into a million pieces and Noah stills his tantalizing movements and pulls from me, lifting my limp body into his arms.

I was spent! Panting heavily. I looked up to see Noah looking deeply into my eyes. His hazel eyes are full of lust and Love... damn how much I love this man!!

We sorted ourselves out before exiting my bedroom. rubbed my sore wrist from the faint hand impression left from Noah's restraining. He smirked down at me, his hand at the small of my back as he led us back into the kitchen.

"Where's the ice, honey?" Oh crap... I forgot the ice! But it was for a good reason, one I would love to repeat.

I flush as I think about what I've just done and smile shyly... "Oh...sorry... I got side-tracked.." and I quickly ran out of the room giggling.

To be continued...


Sorry for the short chapter anyways hope you guys enjoyed it making another right now have a great day love you all and thank you for over 1.4k on this story and 1.3k on my other story.

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