Chapter Ten - It's A Deal

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Continuation from part nine

It's kinda short and sorry for not posting in a while I had school then when I was making a story I littery fell asleep and just woke up so here's the chapter.

The school was going so slow! It must have known that I had another date with Noah Beck!!!

Finally, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of school for freedom. I waited by the doors, the spot we had both decided to meet until I saw Noah and his Football gang walk my way.

"Hey!" Noah shouted before placing a kiss on my lips

"Hi! Hi everyone"

"HEY!" they all shouted back, we had all become quite close with the amount of time I had been spending with Noah over the past week. They were good guys! I barely noticed Bryce at the back, I can't believe I once thought Bryce was huge because compared to the rest of the guys... he's small!!

"Hi, Bryceee!!" I ran over to Bryce and jumped into his arms. Bryce was one of the greatest friends I have and because of Noah, had hardly spent any time with him!

"oh, hey stranger! What have you been up to?" We both laughed, but I felt hurt that I was leaving my best friend out of my life!

"oh, nothing much... just this and that!" He rubbed the top of my head,

"well that's very vague!!" He laughed, hard and I couldn't help but join him.

*cough* Noah coughed bringing our attention back to the group who were all staring at me and Bryce in silence then back to Noah who just stared at Bryce, with a look that said he could kill him!! was Noah jealous.. of Bryce!?!

"well, let's get going..." I clapped my hands, bringing everyone's attention back then walked over to Noah and forced his gaze away from Bryce who was fidgeting under his killer gaze and down mine before placing a reassuring kiss on his lips, telling him that he was the only man for me! "I love you!"

From my words I could see him relax, bringing his arms around my waist and lowering his head to mine... "I love you more!"

We walked up the grass to Noah's silver BMW hybrid sports car, and although he had many other cars.. this was my favourite!

The other guys squashed into two other cars, as I stood.. my mouth drooling in awe at Noah's car!

"Can I drive?" I looked at Noah, hoping!! I even tried to give him my puppy dog eyes...

"I'm sorry baby.. but this is my other baby!"

"you don't trust me!" I pretended to cry and pull a temper tantrum but Noah just laughed!

"no!" I laughed too because to be fair if I had this car wouldn't let anyone drive it either!

We all sat, surrounding the TV watching American football. I don't mind being the only girl here because when rugby was involved... I loved being one of the guys!

With all of the football team occupying every chair and even some forced to sit on the floor, but I sat comfortably on Noah's lap with my head snuggled into his neck as I watched the match.

"What a load of girls!" I shouted at the screen, giving me the attention of everyone in the house.. oh crap!

"I thought you liked football?" Noah turned his head slightly, looking confused. But I got off his lap and crossed my arms!

"no! I love rugby.. this is American football, it doesn't even compare!" To my reply every single person in the room stood, anger now showing on their face.. maybe I shouldn't have said this in a room full of football players... but I will always stick up for the sport I love, just as much as they would!

"What!?! In what way is rugby better?" Noah asked

"well for starters... Rugby players aren't filled with pussy's who can't even make a tackle!" I had now become angry and defensive, almost shouting at Noah...

"what the.." was repeated around the room by the many men I had now pissed off! Noa just stood there shocked, waiting for me to explain myself...

"In American football, you must wear your football kit plus numerous protective gear such as leg, shoulder and crotch padding, also a helmet and face guard plus much more... whereas in rugby the only thing you have to wear is shorts, a top, socks and shoes... therefore making you football players girls!!"

"that's only because us football players play rougher and don't just roll around in the mud like you rugby players," some blond 6ft3 man said from behind me. I turned with disgust on my face,

"Actually as of 2003, the metal helmet that used to be mandatory was banned since it caused more damage due to the roughness of the game, now if players want to use a 'helmet' it's just a little bit of cloth...!!" I turned back to Noah, but not to see anger but instead, he was both amused and impressed...

"I guess there's only one way to settle this, we have a game!"Noah suggested, instantly bringing a smile to my face! I love challenges and I love playing rugby... it's on!!

"Sounds like fun, but I hope you don't cry when I beat you!" I and Noah exchanged playful stairs, but the rest of the team were being deadly serious.

"But who is going to be on your team?" oh yeah... I forgot about that! I mean I'm good, but not good enough to take on all these muscular men!! Wait,

"Bryce!" I pointed to Bryce because I knew he agreed with me when it came to Rugby... that's mostly how we became such good friends! Bryce proudly stepped forward and stood behind me.

"I agree with Dixie!" Blake stepped forward, instantly making me proud to call him my favourite of the group!

"Me too!" From the back, I understood Josh and I could feel Noah tense up...Noah still hadn't forgiven Josh for hitting on me, even though I had told him it was my fault! Josh's face was still really badly damaged, with cuts on his lips and eyebrows and bruises taking up more of his face than the skin it must be painful!!

With the three brave men behind me, I turned back to Noah...

"I have my 3 players.. so let's play a mini-game of 4 on 4!"

"Well, I wouldn't say there was 4.. more like 3 and a half!" Noah patted me on the head, highlighting that I was only half the person that these men were... but I had skill on my side!

"oh, are you scared of little me!"

"haha! No! but how about we make this interesting... how about we make a bet!"

"Alright, you're on! If I win... erm..." I thought hard at what Noah could do, or had that I wanted until it hit me and a smile cracked my face in half, showing all my teeth in happiness! "I want to drive your silver BMW hybrid sports car.. for a week!!" this was my only chance, I had to take it!!!

He looked at me in disbelief "there is no way..."

"fine, you're scared because you know I'll win!" I started to pick at my nails.. pretending to act snobby, but trying hard to contain my smile!

"Ok then you can drive my car for the week, but WHEN I win you have to admit that I'm your boyfriend and that I have passed your test!"

I thought about it for a while...but in my mind and my heart, he had already passed the test! It was a win-win for me anyway, if I won I got the car, if I lost I got a smoking hot boyfriend to call my own... what girl wouldn't agree!!

Noah stuck out his hand and I took it.. agreeing to the terms, it was on!

To be continued...


Again in truly sorry for not posting I fell asleep but I have to shower then I'll post more. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter bye love you all.

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