Chapter Thirty-Three - Baby On Board

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Continuation from chapter thirty-two

I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, I'M PREGNANT!! These words kept repeating in my mind as I laid there alone in the hospital bed. How could I have been so careless... we are having sex a lot! And without protection, so of course, this was going to happen! How could we have been so stupid!

*knock knock

Noah entered with a huge bouquet of red roses and a smile on his face, trying to cover the worry and blame he felt in his eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"I... I'm feeling better..." I still couldn't snap out of my trance. My mind was still consumed by the thoughts of the mini-me growing inside of me!

"What's wrong?" oh crap, Noah can see right through me while my mind is somewhere else!

I inhaled deeply and forced a wide smile on my face, "Nothing.. just... tired of sitting here all day... when can I go home?"

Noah's sadness was replaced by a query as he questioned my response. "Well good news, I came to tell you that you can leave today!"

Noah wheeled me out of the hospital in a rental wheelchair and down to his huge black 4 by 4. He lifted me and gently placed me in the passenger seat as if I was a china plate- so fragile.

"Noah, I'm fine! You don't need to treat me so carefully!" He laughed, deeply as he continued to secure me to the seat. I gave in and sat there as he slowly shut my door and ran to his side.

He pulled out of the hospital car park and began to drive home.. finally...

Resting my head against the cold window, I gazed at the world passing by... oh how mine will soon end when I give birth! I won't even be able to finish school! So I'll have to get a job that won't even pay enough and look after mini-me on my own... unless Noah wants to be a father. Then he'll go to work for his father who doesn't want anything to do with me. And Noah will never let me lift another finger, buy me everything and care for me the rest of my life... I don't like either situation!

I wrapped my arms around my stomach.. I've always wanted children but not now! Not while I'm still a child and can't fend for myself!! I love you mini-me, but I don't think you will love me back if I bring you into such a hateful world...

I looked back out the window and noticed that the further Noah drove, the bigger the houses became...

"Where are we going?" I was confused, I thought Noah was talking me back to Mrs. Jones...

"Home" Noah briefly looked from the road to me,

"But I live on the other side of town... this is the way to yours..."

"No, it's now our house!" What!? I can't move in with Noah, not with his father there!

"No Noah!! I want to go home!" Noah kept his eyes on the road, his grasp on the wheel went tighter with rage

"I'm never letting you go back to that place.. it's not safe!" Noah spat. But if only he knew that going back to his house would be the least safe!

I tried to open the car door. I had to think about mini-me now and I don't want them to be anywhere near the reincarnation of the devil, also known as Tim. "Please Noah... take me home!" I begged

"Why!? I can protect you if you stay with me. If I let you go back there, I won't be able to sleep or eat knowing you're so far away and so vulnerable! I know it's selfish, but please... I need you to stay with me..." oh Noah, it's not selfish of you at all! I want to stay with you but...

"What about Tim?" It slipped out before I could stop the words. Noah, confused, looked at me and turned his head to the side working out what relevance this situation had to his father.

...he's hardly ever home.. he has an apartment closer to his office..." Noah explained, still confused, but I felt relieved knowing that Tim won't be there, but also that If I was with Noah at all times then his father hopefully wouldn't attempt anything in front of him!


"Perfect!" Noah finished tucking me tightly into his bed and took a step back to admire his work. He slipped into the bed next to me, pressing play on the DVD remote and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my hand over mini-me,

"Perfect..." I whispered to myself.

To be continued...


I'm in school right now so I'm not posting anymore for now. Hope you enjoyed this have a  great day love you all and thank you for 4.4k reads on this story.

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