Chapter Thirty-Six - 25 Weeks Later

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Continuation from chapter thirty-five

- Dixie's P.O.V

"Push!" the nurse repeated. I can't push any harder!! Ughhhh!! This is soooo painful!

I was squeezing Noah's hand to try and numb some of the pain. "We are having NO MORE CHILDREN!!" I screamed down his ear as another contraction waved over me. No more!!

"I can see the baby's head, just a little more Mrs. Beck..." Has this nurse never had children before... I can't push any more.. please let this be over soon!

"Mrs. Beck..." Noah Whispered seductively down my ear

"Now is NOT the time NOAHHHHHH!" I was too tired to play... I pushed, hard and with everything I had left and finally, the pain went. I fell back down to my pillow as the baby's screams filled the corridor. Finally!

"Would the father like to cut the cord?" Noah more than eagerly jumped at the opportunity.

"Where... where is my baby." I was tired, but I needed to see it, I needed to know my baby was fine before I collapsed from exhaustion!

"Congratulations Mrs. Beck, we have a beautiful baby boy!" Noah cradled our baby in a soft blue blanket as he walked over to me and carefully placed our baby in my arms.

He was beautiful! "He has your eyes..." My baby looked back at me with Noah's big hazel eyes...

"But he has your beauty" Noah kissed my sweaty head.

"Do you have any ideas for a name?" The nurse questioned.. oh yeah! I looked at Noah for inspiration...

"How about Liam..." We both looked down at our child... "Perfect..." Our baby Liam.


To no longer be continued.


I've created such perfect work it sad to see it end but all, good things eventually come to an end. So all I'm going to say here is hope you enjoyed this and have a great day love you all because I'm going to do a separate part where I write my thank you letter to you all because I'm so grateful.

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