Chapter Twenty-Seven - Utah!

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Continuation from chapter twenty-six


Sorry for the lack of posting I have stuff going on with family but I'm trying to get back to my regular posting which I hope is soon.

Maths seems to take forever! I fidgeted because I could feel Noah's stare burning a hole in the side of my head throughout the whole lesson, but I just faced forward and tried to ignore Noah's intense gaze.

"I need everyone to complete these sheets, please work with the person next to you..." why! Why god, why have you forsaken me!! I hated Mr. Kay!

I could hear Noah's desk squeak on the floor as he slid his desk next to mine.. *cough* he cleared his throat, trying to catch my attention, but I kept my focus forward... my cheeks turning red from embarrassment... I felt naked in front of him as he just stared at me.

"Hi, Dixie.." His voice croaked in a whisper. He was trying to act normal.. so should I, so I risked a look, turning my head slowly and the god-like figure that was Noah filled my sight. He had shaved, but he still looked like he hadn't slept in ages from the bags under his eyes... I couldn't look anymore, I flicked my head back down to the sheet of math equations being placed on our desk.

"We should start these..." I reached into my back in search of my pen, but I had forgotten one, my mind had been somewhere else the past few days.

"Here." I looked up to find Noah handing me his pen. He smiled weakly at me, I guess he too had no strength left.

"Thank you" I offered him an awkward smile in return and took the pen. As I completed the sheet Noah sat close to me, brushing his muscular arm on my thin arm, thanks to my lack of appetite since we broke up. His touch still sent electric shots through my body, and I could tell he felt it too as he started to breathe heavily.. the air between us filling with lust until I couldn't breathe properly. I needed him! needed those lips on mine!

Before I had realized I was facing him, my focus was on his lips! They were so plump and pink.. so kissable! Noah could sense the change in mood and started to lean into me.. our lips so close... no.. this.. can't... but I didn't listen, instead I closed my eyes getting ready for the sweet taste of Noah- my drug!

The bell rang snapping me back to reality! I fluttered open my eyes and pulled away from Noah.. our lips were only centimetres away. It was hard to resist, but I had to stay strong!! I more than eagerly grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom before anyone... before Noah.


Throughout the whole week, what has been getting me through is the thought that today, my football and the guy's football team are going to Utah and beat the reigning champs at football! Although Noah will be there, we would hardly see each other! We needed a break.

I met up with my team and boarded the bus. Addi was also there because she was a cheerleader and also because she had been crying to coach Scott to let her go... mostly because she wanted to spend a night with Blake. I rolled my eyes as she and Blake boarded bus 1, but was happy when I saw Noah on bus 2! Yay! I can sit with my best friend Addi and not have to sit with Noah's awkward gazes for 3 hours!!

I ran over to bus 1 as I saw it was getting fuller and fuller and I needed to get my seat.

"... and 30.." Coach Scott's arm chopped down in front of me, refusing me access "bus 1 is full.. Everyone to bus 2!" I could feel my stomach in my mouth... I was going to be sick!! Why am I so unlucky!

I was last on the bus... less eager for the 3-hour drive that was ahead of me- 3 hours of being in an enclosed space with Noah!

There were only a few spare seats left at the front, and I began to feel better- at least I wouldn't have to sit next to Noah.

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