Chapter Twenty-Three - Home Sweet Home

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Continuation from chapter twenty-two

As I got closer to my house, thankfully I didn't see any moving vans or people trying to force my mum out of the house. I took a deep sigh of relief and walked into the house.

My mum was kneeling on the floor, crying her eyes out and holding a piece of paper tightly in her hands... I might have celebrated too early. I didn't want to walk in... I didn't want it to be true. I shut my eyes tightly wishing that when I opened them I would wake up in my bed and this was all just a really bad nightmare!

To my disappointment, when I slowly lifted my eyelids I was met by the same picture, my mother slouched on the floor, her beautiful blue eyes swollen and red from the many tears that were falling from her eyes.

I ran to my mother's side, "mum, what's wrong..." I asked, but I already had an idea of what she was going to say.

She didn't say anything, unable to speak through her whimper, but instead, she just passed me the paper in her hands.

I froze, I didn't read it all, I only read the heading 'EVICTION NOTICE' in big red letters. I sank to the floor, joining my mother, cradling her and falling apart. Hot tears streamed down my face, my world was ending.. the world I thought I had everything in... gone...

After crying non-stop for half an hour, our cries had turned into little whimpers...

"So what are we going to do now mum?"

"I have a friend in Utah who said he has a free room..." Utah!! I'm going to miss my friends but I suppose I have to, and at least it will give me distance from Noah.

"Ok, I'll pack tonight..." I began to get up before my mum grabbed my arm, turning me to face her.

"No honey, you're not going..."

"what?! Where am I supposed to stay?" She wanted to leave me! To split us up... I tilted my head and looked at her confused and hurt.

"Here, you're staying here! You've gotten into a really good school and I don't want to ruin any chances you have from taking you away from here." My mum wiped my tears away, proudness beaming on her face... I couldn't say no, not while the only happiness she found from this situation was that I was still receiving the best possible education, couldn't take that away from her!

"um-ok, but where am I going to stay?" "Oh, Helen Jones next door

"Ms. Jones!" Mrs. Jones was our next-door neighbour, and one of the sweetest women you will ever meet. She was the stereotypical old woman, knitting on her little rocking chair, with white permed hair and those florist-designed clothes.

"It'll be fine! Anyway, she spends most of her time with her daughters in the city so you'll have the house to yourself most of the time!" My mum optimistically included thinking that's what's going to win me over. I forced a smile, something I've been doing a lot of recently and went to my room to pack my things.

-Noah's P.O.V

I have searched all over the school and I still haven't seen Dixie! She's also been avoiding my calls... I just hope she isn't skipping school again to work!

I ran to the cafeteria, I knew that if Dixie would be anywhere it would be there! I love her appetite, it's refreshing to see amongst the many girls dieting, too scared to even eat a lettuce leaf! Bursting the doors open, all eyes were now on me. I scanned the room looking for Dixie, my heart sank and my eyebrows involuntary pushed inwards at the absence of my Dixie.

I slowly made my way to our regular table, double-checking the room once more before I sat down, just to make sure I didn't miss anything- anyone!

"Where's Dixie?" I slumped into my usual chair, which coincidentally was also next to Addi and got straight down to the interrogation... I felt lost without Dixie and the absence of her warmth made me sick... when did I get this bad? When did I fall completely in love with Dixie?

The gentle touch of her soft skin sent electric bolts through my body! Her lips were so soft, yet rough when she wanted to be. And when I was inside her... her warmth around me made me feel whole! Oh no... I need to stop this!

I shifted my pants to try and hide the semi-hard that was developing.. just the thought of her touch made me want her... I needed her!

Addi looked down at her meal which she had done purposely to avoid eye contact with me. "She's not feeling well so she's taking a few days off." Her eyes darted nervously around her plate full of food that she just pushed around with her fork- I knew something was wrong!

"Addi, I don't have time for this please just tell me!" I don't want to be kept in the dark... not like before because that had turned out so wrong and I never want that to happen, I don't want to see Dixie unhappy, not ever again!

"I told you she's ill!" "Addi..." Before I could finish Bryce cut in...

"It's her mom, her mom isn't well so she's taken time off to look after her and she asked for everyone to stay away, just for a while because she wants to put all her attention on treating her mother and if we were around she would get put off" Why did Addi lie to me then? I don't understand... Either Bryce is telling the truth or is a really good liar!

"Why didn't she just tell me?" I am confused, does she still not trust me? Doesn't she love me!?!

"Because she knew that if she told you, you would just run and help... and you know what Dixie's like!" I settled back down into my chair.. he was right, I would run, climb, swim to help Dixie and she doesn't like that, I need to try and give her distance so I don't push her away further. But what angered me more was how Bryce knew more about MY girlfriend's life than I did!! I need to keep a close eye on him!

"Fine, I'll give her 3 days... then I'm banging down her door!" The whole table just looked at me like I was a mad man, but they didn't understand... Just one day of her absence and I was already looking like an addict to drugs, so after 3 days I'm going to look like a crazy person!!

- Dixie's P.O.V

*buzz buzz*

I stopped unpacking my things into Ms. Jones's guest room and quickly ran to my phone, but I made sure to check the caller ID... just in case it was Noah! I'm not ready for that conversation-not yet!

"Hi, Bryce!" I was so happy to hear from Bryce, it has seemed like forever since we had last spoken!

"Hey, stranger! Missed you today.."

"I know I'm sorry we haven't seen much of each other, and I had a few things to sort out today..."

"No need to explain, baby and you're welcome..." what? What was Bryce talking about?

"Welcome for what?"

"Well Addi was covering for you.. and doing a really bad job at lying, so I took over and have given you an additional 3 days without Noah, I don't know what he's done this time... but if he asks, your mom's sick you're not asking for our help because you're a stubborn ass!" I giggled, the first genuine smile I had in days! I love Bryce.. he's like the older brother I've always wanted!!

"I'm not a stubborn ass! Anyway thanks, Bryce, I owe you!" "Yes, you do! Bye"

I fell back onto my bed and looked up at the plain white ceiling... 3 days without Noah! 3 days to think of a plan... I curled into a ball on my side, grabbing my knees and pulling them to my chest for comfort and I cried, hard! I don't know what to do!! I need my mum... I need Noah!!!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this have a great day love you all.

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