Chapter Thirty-Five - Aftermath

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Continuation from chapter thirty-four

-Noah's P.O.V

"Yes, I know that he's my father... I just need to know if you're still with me, with my company!" I've been trying to persuade our partners in China to stay with me in my family company for the past hour!

My father left last night, but not before smashing a few vases on the way out. Like I guessed he's also been on the phone with our business partners since early this morning... Some have stayed loyal to my father, however, most have stayed with me. However, I didn't need to worry about business because once my mother passed she left me all of her shares in our family business, meaning I own more of BeckINC than my father.

"So you're with me... fantastic, it will be a pleasure working with you..." I hung up, another successful business deal. I turned and placed my phone on the desk but froze when something caught my attention in the corner of my eye... Dixie.

Her head was hung, looking at her feet... she couldn't look me in the eyes. She thinks I'm angry with her- no never! I don't like her lying to me, but I know she did it out of love and to protect her family... I will always love her!

She took a step forward, shutting my office door behind her. But I couldn't take my eyes from her flawless beautiful face... it was glowing! Her lips were pinker and her beautiful breast even more full! How could I have not known sooner that she was pregnant!!

I smiled, she was carrying my child - our child!! The thought of spending the rest of my life with her, with our family. Hopefully, she will want more children, because, with Dixie, I want many!!

She cleared her throat, breaking the silence and pulling me from my fantasy.

"... I'm... I'm sorry..." Her voice was so small and filled with fear.

"what.. no..." I ran to her and covered her tiny, fragile hands in mine "don't apologize.. you did nothing wrong..." I pulled her to my chest and wrapped my arms around her. She was thinner than usual and especially now that she was carrying our child! She needed to start to eat more!

As I held her close, she relaxed and began to weep in my arms. "But.. I lied.. to you!"

"shhh, you only did it to protect yourself." I pulled away and placed my hand gently over her stomach, "To protect our baby!" I smiled to reassure her that she shouldn't blame herself- it was my fault for not protecting her as I should have!

Her eyes wrinkled at the edge as her lips slowly rose into a perfect, pearl teeth smile. Her radiance brightened the whole room and her smile became contagious as I joined her laughing.

I picked her up and twirled her around in my arms, her laughter now erupting and filling the room. I stopped but still held her up. She grabbed my cheeks and pushed her sweet lips onto mine briefly... "I love you, Noah!"

I placed her down gently before falling to my knees and hugging her stomach "I love you little one, just as much as I love your mother!"

I looked up at Dixie, she was smiling brightly, brushing her thin elegant fingers through my hair.. the sight was breathtaking

I pulled out something from my pant pocket that I had been waiting to show Dixie since the moment I met her...

"Will you marry me, Dixie D'Amelio?" I produced my mother's ring that had been passed down through all her family.

The smile spread wider across her face but she remained still... shock?

"No.." what, WHAT!! She said no!! my heart sank... she doesn't love me... but why is she still laughing!

"I... I don't understand... I thought..."

"Let me ride in your car!!" she beamed as if this was a personal joke. My heart lifted at her joy and I mirrored her smile.

"Wait, you're telling me that our future together rests on me letting you drive my car..." unbelievable... only Dixie would request such a thing, keeping me on my toes! She nodded eagerly "I will give you the car, all my cars, everything if you'll be mine!"

she jumped into my arms laughing ''you have a deal, Mr. Beck!"

"Anything for you Mrs. Beck... My wife!" The words caress my tongue as they leave my mouth... I could get used to saying them!

To be continued...


Omg, only one more chapter of this story. I was going to do a whole wedding but I don't know maybe I might do an epilogue so you guys can see how life is after everything I might do it. Hope you guys enjoyed this have a great day love you all.

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