Chapter Sixteen - I Love You!

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Continuation from chapter fifteen

It had gotten dark by the time I had made my way home. My eyes were sore from the many tears I had cried, my legs were aching from the many, god knows how long, hours I had run.

I stumbled to the bathroom and turned on the ice-cold shower. I didn't bother getting undressed because I would be warmer with more layers on and I sat under the heavy fall of ice droplets falling hard on my head and shoulders. I hugged my knees to my chest for more comfort and warmth then closed my eyes to try and blank out the image of Noah that kept appearing in my head...

The water mixed with the fresh tears I cried... I didn't know how much I loved Noah until I left him! I don't think I'll be able to face Noah without bursting into tears ever again.

But I have to stay strong because I can't go down that road again! and no love I feel for Noah could outweigh the love and care I feel for my mother! I told myself that I would never let my mother break down again like she did after Marc divorced her and ruined our lives!

After my eyes dried up and I could officially not cry a single more tear I turned the tap off and struggled to my feet. The cold air instantly hit me and I began to shiver... seriously, when are we going to get hot water!! I miss hot showers!

I completely stripped all items of clothing off and wrapped a thick fluffy towel around my shivering body, seeking its warmth. I quickly dashed to my bedroom, changed into my black PJ bottoms and slipped on a white vest top and a two sizes too big hoodie, immediately returning me to a normal body temperature.

My bed had never looked so irresistible so I dove under the covers and curled up into the fatuous position, my eyes began to get heavy and I almost fell asleep until,

*buzz buzz*

My phone vibrated on the nightstand next to my bed. There could only be one person who would be calling me!

I picked up the phone, squinting my eyes to get adjusted to the light and saw a goofy picture I had taken of Noah.. it was so cute and I remember Noah begging me to change it, but that only made me want it more!

Remembering the good times we had shared made my eyes cloud over with tears and the picture on my phone went. Only seconds later the picture appeared again as he tried to call me again, but I can't do this to myself! I can't put myself through the pain!

I hung up and opened up a new message,

'Stop calling me!

Noah replied instantly

"Please Dixie, please just let me talk to you! Let me explain myself! I can't live without you, my heart is breaking without you! I love you!!

His words broke my heart more! Why was I doing this to him, to us!?! I didn't reply, I couldn't! I turned off my phone and rolled over to try and turn away from all my troubles... eventually, I fell asleep.

Monday morning came too quickly! It might have been because I had spent the whole weekend curled up in my bed, ignoring the infinite amount of calls from Noah.

Addi had heard from Bryce about us and stayed over at mine last night, we stayed up all night! It was full of me explaining then crying and then Addi comforting me until we gradually fell asleep... Addi understood why I left Noah because she knows about Marc...

We loaded into her car and I leaned my head on the window, physically and mentally drained from the events of the weekend! The drive to school went so quickly.. as if the world knows that I really don't want to be at school or see Noah so have decided to speed everything up so I get to school sooner!

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