Chapter Thirteen - Secrets

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Continuation from chapter twelve

-Noah's P.O.V

I kept pacing in my room, tapping my shin with my finger... why won't she tell me her secret!?! What could her secret be? UGHHHHH I can't take this anymore... if she's not going to tell me I have to find out! I walked to my door but stopped as I reached for the handle, What if she's with another man... Is she cheating on me!

I shook my head, no I can see it in her eyes... in her kisses, she wants me just as much as I want her! I continued out the door and out to my car.

"Mr. Beck... Mr. Beck!!" one of my maids came running out the house screaming my name and waving their hand frantically in the air signalling for me to stop.

"Yes, Anna" I didn't have time for this... I needed Dixie!

"Your father has just called..." My eyes widened at the mention of my father'... what did he want now, for me to fly to China, go for a meal with his business partners? That's the only reason he ever calls... for my help in our family business!

It's all because of what happened last year... I had sat in on my first ever meeting and although I would never mention this to my father... but I loved it... I felt at home! I would argue with other business partners and I had memorized all our facts and figures, so no one could call me out!

I had never seen my father more proud than when our business partners kept complimenting me and saying he did a good job raising me... more like the many nannies did a good job!!

I know that one day I'm going to have to take over, but not yet - not until I've lived my life- until I have Dixie!

"What is it this time," I asked so unenthusiastically

"He wants you to go to a meeting, he's in China and can't go himself" I rubbed my forehead to heal my now banging headache.

"What time is it starting... do I have time to go to see Dixie first?" I asked hopefully... I needed to see my Dixie! But Anna just looked down at her shoes,

"I'm afraid not.. he wants you there immediately."

I could feel myself getting angrier! My hands curled into a fist by my side, how can my father do this to me- even when he's halfway across the world!

I didn't respond, instead, I just mumbled angrily... now I won't be able to see Dixie until tomorrow! My heartfelt emptiness... Dixie's usual happy laughing face would brighten up my day, the warmth of her body-hugging mine, her soft and sweet lips on mine... now gone! I was beginning to have withdrawal symptoms for her...

I turned and jumped into my car, slamming the door in frustration and made my way to the meeting... maybe a little faster than I should have...

The meeting went on longer than I thought as the clock in my car read 1:23 AM. I was now on the motorway on my way back home, but I am finding it hard to keep my eyes open.. my car swerved as I fell deeper into the unknown... shit!

I saw a little run-down Café on the motorway... great, I'll get a coffee to wake myself up.

I parked up in front of the diner. Light from inside beamed out the windows, lighting up my car. I looked around... this must have been the poorer side of town! Graffiti everywhere, thugs lingering in every dark corner, acting suspicious... I didn't really want to leave my car here, but I needed something to wake me up!

I was about to open my door when something in the diner caught my eye... a beautiful girl in the diners-themed pink and white coloured dress... it was DIXIE!!

I froze... I just sat there in my car, admiring the magnificent creature that was in front of me! She gracefully swayed table to table, the dress clinging to her every curve and cut low, revealing an eye full of her breast!

But I noticed that I wasn't the only one who was checking her out... but I was the ONLY one who is allowed to look!

She was taking an order from a table full of shady-looking men.. none looking at her in the eyes! I began to shake with anger, I wanted to beat the crap out of them all for looking at my woman, but when one of the men shifted slightly in his chair- I got a full view of the gun wedged in his belt... I needed to get Dixie out of danger!!

But why was she working here.. her family have money? Don't they? I never want her to step foot in this area again!! Seeing her in potential danger was my nightmare... I wanted to keep her locked up in my room and never let her out!

I flung my door wide open and jumped out of my car to go save my woman, but when I got closer to the door - so did she! She was walking out the doors so I ran back to my car... Why was I running from her? Why don't I go confront her about working here... was this her secret?

I focused on Dixie in my car mirror. She began to walk down the road... further and further into the darkness of this place! I can't leave her.. not when she could need my help!

I drove some distance behind her until she turned into a little road of small, run-down houses and up the pathway to a door... was this her house? She took out a bunch of keys and opened the door...

Why would she lie to me about where she lived!? Did she think that I wouldn't love her just because she's poor!! I sat there for a while... just staring at her house... I could never Leave Dixie, even if she didn't have a house I would still love her with all my heart!

I took a deep breath to calm myself. I was hurt that she doesn't feel close enough to tell me... but I can't keep that against her!

I need to make a plan! I needed to help Dixie!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this making another right now. Thank you all for over 500 reads on this story and 1k on my other story, have a great day love you all.

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