Chapter Four - It's All Fun And Games

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Continuation from chapter three

- Dixie's P.O.V

As promised Addi arrived at my house, precisely at 5:30! lived in the poorer part of town and to put it into perspective at one end of the street there are homeless people, at the other, there was a report of a stabbing!! Home sweet home.. hey!!

I lived in a bungalow, it was run down with a load of home improvements that were desperately needed... if only we could afford to fix them! It has two bedrooms and a bathroom to the right of the main entrance and the left a small living room with a kitchen attached. The decoration was very minimal, consisting of just cream-coloured painted walls and wooden floors!

Oh and due to the high prices in heating.. we hardly ever put the fire on, so our house was perinatal cold.. but I don't know any different so I'm used to it!

I live with just my mum, but she works two jobs and when she's home I'm at school so we haven't been seeing much of each other recently! I loved my mother and I knew how much she sacrifices to try and provide for me.. and I am so grateful! she even picked up and left everything in England, all her friends and family because she heard she could earn more money ever here...

Only Addi and Bryce knew about where I lived, and because of the type of people, I went to school with. I didn't want to bring up the fact that I had to sleep with almost ten layers of clothing on just to stay warm at night! I bet even their servants lived better than I did!!

"heyyyyy!" Addi screamed as I opened the door to her. She stepped inside as I grabbed my cheap phone and keys from the table and dropped them into my backpack. I had decided to wear skinny black jeans, a see-through, white smart top that shown my lacy white bra under it and my leather jacket and black converse.

Addi stood by the door, covering up the fact that she was cold and shivering, but she would never mention anything like 'why don't you turn on the heating because she knew my situation...

She nodded in approval at my outfit then we made our way out the house and into her black Beatle car. It was a good car for getting you from 'A to B' but not like any of Noah's cars!

Addi flicked on the radio and, although we both had zero talent, we sang our hearts out! Having fun with Addi made the journey go faster...

"we're here!" Addi shouted excitedly.. she loves parties!

We pulled up into a long driveway, driving past the vast amount of land surrounding his house. With statues and... an actual football field in the front yard!!

Addi parked amongst the many cars already here and then we headed to the house. As we got closer, I realized that calling this building a 'house would be an understatement!! It was at least four stories high, white and even had Greek-style columns on the front porch... I was definitely far from home!

I shut my mouth, which I had unconsciously opened in awe at this magnificent structure when I heard laughter coming from the front door. Noah was laughing at me! I quickly shot him an evil look to try and compensate for the heat that was now rushing to my cheeks from embarrassment.

As we walked into this castle, the inside was even more spectacular than the outside! There were chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, lighting up the huge hall we were standing in. In front of us was a big staircase leading to the many floors above, to our right was a door to the kitchen, that was at least the size of my actual house!! But we were led to the left, through double doors to an amazingly big room.. that you could probably call the living room... it had long couches facing the 80" TV, that I thought was unnecessarily big, but I was still jealous!

Everyone else was here and filling all of the chairs and even some were forced to the floor. It was all the football team and their whores, I shot them all a disgusted look, but then I found Blake and Bryce amongst them all I smiled at them.

With nowhere to sit... I guess I had to pick a lap to sit on! scanned the room, looking for a possible contestant! Noah coughed behind me, suggesting I sit on his legs, but instead, I giggled and walked over to Bryce and sat on his legs, hugging close to his chest. Don't get me wrong though, I and Bryce are pure, friends!

Bryce went stiff and pulled his arms from around my waist. I looked at him confused, why was he so uncomfortable around me all of a sudden? but he didn't look at me back, all his focus was on Noah. Noah was sending Bryce death stairs, fire filling Noah's eyes from jealousy?

We decided to sit on the floor in a circle and play truth or dare... I was not looking forward to my turn with Noah here!

It was my turn, "truth or dare?" Addi asked, all eyes on me.. but it wasn't really a question because if you picked truth you were a party pooper and If you pick dare, it got the party started! So there was the only one you could pick...

"dare!" I felt a little more confident because I was a little drunk, which was my plan from the start.. it was the only thing that could get me through tonight...

Noah shot me an evil look, lifted his eyebrow and gave me a hot, splitting smile across his face.. oh no! what was he going to ask me to do!!

"I dare you to kiss Noah on the lips for a full minute!!" I pulled my gaze from Noah and snapped it to Addi... oh I hate her, but a part of me was.. happy, I would get to kiss Noah.

I stood up and made my way to Noah, I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck then leaned into him, placing my lips on his. His lips were soft and tasted sweet wanted more!! He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I gladly gave it to him. His tongue shot into my mouth and our tongues began to play with each other... His warmth filling me and I couldn't get enough of him!!

closed the little space there was between us by lifting my hand to my head and fisting some of his soft hair in my hands and he did the same to mine making the kiss rougher. As we got closer and closer, I could feel Noah getting harder and harder and it made me happy to see I had the same effect on him like he had on me.. and I was going to make him suffer!

I slowly wiggled my hips on his lap.. teasing his erection then pulled away from the kiss and made my way back to where I was sitting. I got a few shocked looks from the girls and some approving nods and open mouths from the guys, making my smile spread wider!! Haha! revenge is sweet!!

It was now Noah's turn.. and I had thought of a great dear!!

"dare" Oh Noah, you are going to regret this!!

"I dare you to kiss..." I looked around the circle and laughed, "... all the GUYS in this circle on the lips!!

Noah looked around the room at his football team and stood up, giving them an apologetic look before planting a wet peck on each member's Lips! It had all the girls on the floor laughing. After he had finished he was now serious.. oh crap, he was going to get me back!!

"d..dare," I said, not too confident anymore. Noah's face lit up in excitement...

"I dare you to stay here tonight, with me and I can do whatever I want!" What!! He looked so please with himself... but there was no way I could let him do anything he wanted to do! Although I was scared, it also excited me! I wanted Noah.. but I wanted him to work for it first!!

"no! there is no way!!" I shouted back... trying to sound horrified and hide the lust I was feeling for him!

"If you don't then the penalty is... is to spend a night with every guy here!" I just looked at Noah frozen.. he wouldn't! But by looking at his face, I could see that he meant what he said...

Even though he meant what he said he there was a look hidden beneath his cocky exterior that said he didn't want to share me because he looked hurt from his own words. His eyebrows fell and I felt as though he was begging me to pick the first option, which I was going to take gladly! I would much rather spend one night with Noah than a load of nights spent with each member of the football team!!

"Fine... I'll go with the first option!" All the guys sighed in disappointment at their missed opportunity to spend a night with me which upset a few of the girls.

Noah was keeping it cool but looked like he was bouncing off the walls with excitement in his head!.. so was l! a night with Noah, it frightened me but also turned me on...

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day love you all.

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