Chapter Thirty-Two - Hospital

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Continuation from chapter thirty-one

-Noah's P.O.V

Dixie hadn't been answering any of my calls, and I was starting to get worried! I know she said not to visit her home so that we wouldn't get caught.. but I needed to know she was safe!!

I knocked frantically on her door, but there was no answer... I tried the door.. it was open! She shouldn't keep this unlocked or anyone could walk in!

My mouth went dry and I froze in the door frame as I saw the love of my life lying cold on the floor in a pool of her blood... I ran to her side, shaking her trying to get to respond. I couldn't think properly as the only reason for my sanity was laying close to death in my arms!!

Ok, concentrate Noah.. check her pulse... shit! It's so faint!! Next, call the ambulance!!

"Dixie.. please be ok... please..."

- Dixie's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open.. where was I?

I scanned the white and clean room to find medical equipment. I looked down to see tubes and needles attached to me everywhere.. what happened! I sat up, but fell back down instantly as my head pounded with pain... oh right Tim! But how did I get here...

I looked over to Noah asleep, his head resting on my hand. His stubble told me I had been here for a while.. had he stayed with me all this time! My heart melted.. and I felt tears filling my eyes.

A nurse burst into the room, flicking through her charts... It took her a while to notice I was awake, but it was funny to see her stumble with shock when she did.

"Oh honey, you're awake" From her words, Noah's head shot up and his tired hazel eyes looked deeply into mine before he engulfed me into a hug.

"Oh, Dixie... I thought I lost you..." His voice broke from the tears falling down his perfectly sculpted cheekbones. Even from the lack of care and hygiene.. he still looked like a supermodel!

"N...Noah...." My voice was too dry to talk. "" pointed to the cool-looking jug of water on the table next to me. Noah chuckled and poured me a cupful and in seconds had chugged it down and held out the empty cup, wanting more!

"Steady yourself, Miss D'Amelio! You've only just come out of surgery..."

"SURGERY!" "Shhh, it's ok now baby. Everything's fine!" Noah smiled and instantly felt reassured... As long as Noah was here I felt so safe and secure... even if it was his father that did this!

"Who did this to you, baby?...." Noah shook with anger, his face turning red as he looked at my bandages.

"I... I don't know... I think it might have been.. a robber... I can't remember... I looked away from Noah, unable to lie to his face, not anymore...

"Dixie..." Noah questioned my response, not believing the answer I gave.

"It's understandable that you would forget due to the force struck to your head. Now would you please leave Mr. Beck while I talk with Dixie" The nurse was strict but appreciated that she stuck up for me and that she was asking Noah to give me some space for a while...

"NO! I'm not leaving her side... not again!" Noah's hand tightened on mine as he became more protective.

"Are you a family member? Dixie's husband?" "No, I'm her boyfriend!"

"Then I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" They were both staring at each other, neither of them backing down. I tugged on Noah's arm until he broke off with the nurse and gently gazed into my eyes

"Please Noah... she only wanted to help..."

"That's right Mr. Beck. I promise as soon as I'm done, you can come back in!"

In surrender Noah gently kissed my forehead before exiting the room.

"Now Dixie, you took a tremendous force to your head and lost a lot of blood, but you'll be happy to know that your baby is fine and healthy..." I blanked out the rest... WHAT!! BABY!!!

"wait... what was that!" I looked at her confused and shock spread across my face.

"oh... you didn't know... yes you are around 5 weeks pregnant... It is still early but from what we can see, the baby is doing fine! But don't worry, we get young parents a lot and we can provide psychological and nursing help or we can look down the path of abortion."

I'm pregnant! I'm only a baby myself!! I shouldn't keep this baby, should I? but I can't kill what is part me and part Noah... Noah, shit he doesn't know... how will he take the news that he's a father? What about Tim! If he finds out I'm pregnant, both I and the baby will be in danger...

"You don't have to make a decision right away Dixie, but if you're going to abort.. the sooner the better because it will affect your body less."

My eyes darted around the room, trying to think of anything... What was going to do?

"Miss..." The nurse brought my attention back and I focused on her...

"I'm keeping the baby!"

To be continued...


Thank you guys for 4k reads on this story. Hope you guys enjoyed this have a great day love you all.

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