Chapter Twelve - Winner?

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Continuation from chapter eleven

My eyes adjusted to the light and I focused on the position of the ball... I couldn't speak... no way...

I stood looking around in shock.. no...

"WE WONNNNN!" Noah shouted... I had lost... NO!!!

Everyone ran over to Noah and Lifted him in the air, celebrating his victory. Once his feet were back on the ground he came over to me. I was still frozen in shock... I couldn't believe it, we were so close to the line!!

My eyes were glued to the floor, but I could still feel Noah walk up to me and stand in front of me. I slowly lifted my head... not wanting to see Noah's face while I felt this ashamed! Our eyes finally met, and as I looked into his captivating hazel eyes I didn't see cockiness, nor did I see that he was bragging... instead I saw reassurance but mostly, lust!

He lifted his hands to my cheeks, sending pleasurable sparks through my body and he looked even deeper into my eyes. He leaned closer to my face until there was just a little space between us,

"So now you're my girlfriend.. hum.. that has a nice ring to it" before I could respond he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. I responded immediately, surprising myself. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips, softer than I could have imagined. He tasted tentatively with his tongue, and I opened my mouth with a low moan.

I lifted my hands to the back of his head, fisting some of his soft hair and trying to push him closer to me...


We broke apart, both breathing heavily and I turned swiftly around, Noah's arms now around my waist, keeping me close to his body. When we turned we saw everyone staring at us, some blushing but all had big smiles on their face!

"Do you want us to leave?" Josh said jokingly as he pointed in the direction of the gates.

"Yes... if you wouldn't mind!" Noah said laughing and rested his head on my shoulder. But I pulled away,

"oi, no guys you don't have to go! come on" Heat rushed to my cheeks with embarrassment and I pushed away from Noah, slapping him on the arm before rushing back into the house.

Everyone eventually followed me back into the house and we all gathered in to watch TV but this time.. something we all agreed to watch so that we didn't argue again! I sat on Noah's lap, snuggled into his chest, into his warm embrace as he wrapped his protective arms around my body...

Noah was so comfortable, protective, sexy and MINE! My boyfriend! AHHH! maybe I didn't lose...

Noah dropped me off at Addi's house again, still thinking that it was mine. It pains me to keep lying to Noah, even more so now that we're getting closer but I had to... I was scared in case he would leave me because I'm poor, and now I'm scared that he will leave because I'm lying to him! ughhhh! Why wasn't I honest from the start!!

I waved goodbye as Noah drove off and then I made the long walk back to my house.

As I got closer to my house, I noticed the kitchen light on... my mum was home!! I was now running as fast as I could to see her. I burst into the kitchen, breathing heavily and smiling, ready to hug my mum.

Instead of being squeezed in one of my mother's famous tight hugs, she stayed sitting on the small dining table at the far side of our small kitchen. She lifted her head from her hands... it was obvious now that she had been crying,

"oh mum, what's wrong?" I rushed to my mum's side, rubbing her arm to try and comfort her. I know it should be her comforting me, but I am stronger than my mum and I am always the one to comfort her... I've had to do it more so in the current situation we've been in! we've always been poor... it just, times are tough...

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