Chapter Five - A Night To Remember

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Continuation from chapter four

Even after begging and pleading with everyone... even getting on my knees with Addi and Bryce, they just flashed me a smile and a wink, "you'll be fine, go get him!" Addi whispered to me before closing the door behind her and leaving just me and Noah alone... I hated her, and love her so much... ugh why do friends do this!!

Knowing that there was no hope, I turned to face Noah hoping he would get the embarrassment over with...

He was standing at the foot of the stairs, arms crossed and smiling the handsome goofy smile at me almost making me weak at the knees if I wasn't so angry at him! Was he just doing this to get back at me!!

He only nodded his head in the direction of the stairs, signalling that he wanted me to follow him upstairs.. but no way was going up there, there was more of a chance of me losing it and actually giving in to his charms, just like I almost did when we kissed! So I refused, I turned quickly and ran for the front door to my freedom!

Before I could even twist the doorknob he had wrapped his big, protective muscular arms around my waist and pulled me easily over his shoulder. I screamed for my release.. when he finally gave it to me, placing me down on the floor... we were in a different room, his bedroom!!

At my confusion, Noah smiled, his heart-melting smile...! shook my head and rush towards the door but once again he had stopped me by grabbing my wrist. He tugged on my arm and in one swift movement he had turned me around and up close to his hard chest.. oh how I wish I could stroke my hand up to his 6 pack!!

He gently placed his hand on my lower back, pulling me closer to him and in a daze from his close contact, he placed his finger under my chin and slowly lifted my head to meet his lustful hazel eyes then his lush, pink lips were pushed onto mine and we were straight into kissing, roughly, and I Loved it!

I lifted my hands and brushed them through his hair. He bit my bottom lip forcing me to moan that gave him entrance to explore my mouth! He tasted sweet and warm in my mouth, I never wanted him to leave my side.

As our kiss got rougher he pushed me back and slammed me into the wall, I moaned but It didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to... still, our lips never left each other.

He slid his hand to my butt, rubbing and caressing it. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, now feeling his erection that had built in his pants, Without thinking my body reacted on its own and began lustfully shaking my hips, rubbing against his shaft with my wetness

no! this is too soon! And I don't want a video of us to be spread around the school and.. and I don't want to be another one of his sluts that he just sleeps with and then throws away!

A tear burned my cheek as it fell, I wanted this, I wanted Noah but I know he doesn't want me as much as I wanted him... I was just another sex doll to him! wow! When did I start to feel so much for Noah!!

I put my hand on his hard chest and regrettably pushed away from the most passionate kiss I have ever had and it was with a player who didn't want me! I swung my head in shame for crying over something so silly,

-Noah's P.O.V

I was so happy when Dixie chose to spend the night with me, instead of every other guy! Why was I stupid enough to even mention that! And now we were passionately kissing!! She tastes just how I thought, so sweet and warm!! I needed more of her! I pushed her to the wall and when we hit it, she gave off a little moan.. that was it, she had just turned me completely hard!

Being so close, my dick was pushed onto her, and after feeling the warmth of her body being so close made it want to be in her, to feel her walls wrap around my cock! She began to sway her hips against me, teasing me!

But instead of wanting more she stopped and moved her hands down to my chest and pushed me away!!! What now!!! I needed her... I wanted her, only her!

Being pushed away I could see the tears escaping her eyes and it sickened me that it was my fault, that I did this to her!!

-Dixie's P.O.V

"no..." I whispered, barely audible". stop... I don't want this!" I shook my head and wiped the tears away. He lifted my chin, but I still didn't give him eye contact.

He slowly let me down and gently rubbed a tear that had escaped away, even a little touch like that had sent sparks through my body! I already missed the warmth and protection his body gave me.

He took a few steps back, he looked so hurt... I wanted to take back what I said! I wanted to be back in his hold and on his lips, but I couldn't because it would end badly for me. He cleared his throat, "you can take my bed, I'll take one of the guest rooms down the hall..." was Noah upset! Did he want me that much!!

Nothing else was said so Noah quietly left the room... I was alone! I felt so cold without him so I shuffled to his bed, in search of the warmth that could replace him... it that was possible. But when I wrapped myself up in his covers, it smelt like him, like cologne and man! and I was comforted again, but it still wasn't like having Noah here...

-Noah's P.O.V

Didn't she want me.. was I wrong! No, I wasn't I could feel it in the kiss we shared, in the looks she gave me, from the way her body reacts... she wanted me but she didn't want to admit it!

But I couldn't think straight, I turned away from her. If I looked at her, I wouldn't be able to control myself and I would rip off her clothes and just take her on the floor, here and now!

Upset, there was a lump in my throat... I coughed it out before I spoke, I didn't want to show her I was weak! "you can take my bed, I'll take one of the guest rooms down the hall..." then I rushed out of the room and ran down the halls and into the guest room. I slumped down on the bed, already missing her touch.. the sparks I got from just touching her!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this love you all.

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