Chapter Twenty-Five - AfterMath

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Continuation from chapter twenty-four

Short chapter

Noah had been banging the door and screaming my name for almost an hour now... I was more surprised that the police hadn't been called! I got up from my bed and walked over to the window.

I had a clear view of Noah... his long masculine fingers scrunching his messy black hair as he sat in front of the door, his head swung and staring at the floor. "DIXIE!" he yelled once more

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP!! IT'S 4 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!" My other neighbour had now joined my love quarrel. She stood on her doorstep, pulling her dressing gown tightly around her small waist for extra warmth. I didn't know her name, as I had kept my safe distance from her and her drug-taking 'male friends that walked in and out of her house daily!

"Where's Dixie!?!" Noah shot up and pointed to the door.

"Who? Oh, the mother and daughter that moved out..." She mumbled through her drowsiness... I was just thankful that she was too drugged up to notice that I had only moved next door!

"WHAT!?!" He growled. Next thing, the door cracked against the cement block wall of my old house and I knew that Noah had forced his way in. After a full minute of silence, I heard Noah yell from inside... "WHERE IS SHE!!"

"I don't know where she is!" My neighbour shouted angrier than before. The door slammed shut and sudden nausea overwhelmed me as I waited for what Noah was going to do next...

After several minutes of silence, Noah made a call then jumped into his car and drove off down the road.

I finally fell asleep at 5 in the morning and purposely overslept remembering that it was now Sunday - wow the week had gone so quickly! Knowing that last weekend I had the un doubtable terror of meeting Tim Beck, last weekend I had everything... Now I have nothing!

*buzz buzz*

My phone rang and rang non-stop, and no matter how many times I ignored it, it just kept ringing. I moaned and lifted my arm in search of it on the table next to my bed, feeling around for the familiar object. When I finally found it, I brought the flashing screen to my face.. slowly lifting my eyelids as they adjusted to the sudden light, an unknown number... I don't know whether I should risk it, but then again if it was Noah his stupidly cute face would pop up. Thinking back to Noah brought coldness to my broken heart. "He doesn't deserve me!' I kept telling myself... the only thing that could help, even if it didn't help much!

"H..hello?" I kept my voice low

"Ah, finally I've got you, Miss D'Amelio!" I shuddered as Tim spoke.. a voice I thought, no, wished I would never have to hear again

"What do you want! And how did you get this number!?!" I snapped, nothing was kept private anymore!!

"Now, Dixie, nothing can be kept from me..." his arrogance unconsciously made me roll my eyes, "and may I just applaud you for your Oscar-winning performance from last night!"

"What? How...?"

"Well, I wasn't going to leave Noah alone not after finding out what type of girl he brings home so I installed cameras, and may I just say bravo!" The mother fucker!! Is everything he says about me an insult!!

"NO, LISTEN HERE YOU PRICK....." Tim cut me off before I could finish my rant.. something I had wanted to say to him ever since I met him!

"Therefore, I will now leave you and your family alone." He hung up before I could reply!

I guess you can say the order is restored? But why do I still have this sick feeling in my stomach? I don't think I could ever love another man... I will always love Noah, but he needs to move on, to find a rich woman that his father approves of!

The thought brought hot tears again to my eyes, burning my cheeks as they fell. I laid my head back down on my pillows, allowing them to absorb the tears as I curled into a ball... could I say goodbye to Noah?

I cried myself to sleep last night and slept in once more... I wasn't going to school today, the wound was too fresh...

I fished out my phone from under my covers to call Addi. I was quite proud that she hadn't told Noah where I was because if she had he would have banged down my door!

"hey." Addi kept quiet, I know she didn't approve of my actions...

"Hi, how was school?" I didn't want to ask- but I needed to know when he's moved on... then maybe I could too...

"Noah was crazy! He was kicked out of Maths when you didn't show up to the lesson because he smashed and threw a few tables and chairs! I told him that you couldn't be with a man who puts money before you and that you had moved away with your mom"

"Thanks, Addi, and I'm sorry for bringing you into this!"

"You know I would do anything for you Dixie.. but this is killing Noah- he's losing it! You need to end it with him properly! When will you be back in school?"

"I know I have to and I'll be back tomorrow, the principal called because I have poor attendance... I'll see you then?"

"ok, bye" I hung up the phone and began to strip off my clothes for a relaxing shower.. trying to wash away some of the tears that seemed to never end! I was not looking forward to tomorrow!!

To be continued...


Sorry for the short chapter and posting late I've been busy with personal stuff but ill try tomorrow to get back to my regular posting schedule. And thank you guys for 2.1k reads on this story hope you guys enjoyed this have a great day love you all very much. 

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