Chapter Thirty-Four - Revealed

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Continuation from chapter thirty-three

"Noah, don't give me those puppy dog eyes! You need to go to school!" Noah laid next to me, snuggling and hugging me trying to persuade me that he should stay home with me... he was so cute, but I really needed some alone time!

"But I need to stay with you"

"No! it's been a week already, I don't want you to miss out..." and also I was starting to show! Mini-me has started to grow and therefore the bump is beginning to get bigger and bigger... If Noah stays by my side any longer he will start to notice...

"Alright... but I will come home as quick as I can!" He kissed my forehead before shuffling out of his bedroom. Finally, I was alone!

I slowly wobbled off the bed - it had been so long since I had walked on my own, Noah didn't leave my side the whole time! I even had to argue with him to let me go to the toilet on my own!!

I stretched all my limbs as they adjusted to new movements my body made and I wobbled to the suitcase Noah had brought from Mrs. Jones's house filled with my belongings. I rustled through my clothes until I came across the pregnancy test I had taken at the hospital just after hearing the news... I didn't believe them and I needed to see it for myself - 2 pink lines, yep.. pregnant!

"What are you doing here!" I turned on my heel to find Tim at the door and my mouth instinctively dried, sweat beading on my forehead with fear. I quickly hid the pregnancy test behind my back while my other hand covered my stomach, protecting mini-me... I guess my motherly instincts are kicking in!

"n...n... no, erm... Noah...." I couldn't talk, I was too scared to form a proper sentence.

"What are you hiding?!"

"N....nothing!" I pushed the test further behind my back, hoping Tim wouldn't notice... but I was never that lucky! Tim stomped towards me and tightly gripped my wrist, too strong for me to resist and fight against, he pulled my arm from my back and before him was my positive pregnancy test...

We stood there in silence... he had nothing to say, but I could feel the rage flow through him. His grip on my wrist tightened making me lose grip of the test making it fall to the ground.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!!" Tim spat as he threw me across the room. My back smashed against the wall and I slid to the floor... "YOU WHORE!! YOU'RE PREGNANT!"

I could see the anger fill Tim's gaze... I cowered with fear, this was the scariest I had ever seen him. I scrunched into a ball to protect my stomach from any attack but Tim just lifted me against the wall by my neck. I scrambled, trying to release myself before the oxygen left me.

"I would have thought the first time I asked you to stay away from here would be enough, I mean I even threatened your mom, but you just couldn't stay away!! Then when I left you for dead in your fucking pool of blood - I thought that the message would have gotten through that thick skull of yours but you just keep coming back like a pest!" Tim spat through his clenched teeth.

"I will never leave again... I love Noah and no matter what you do to me he will always love me back!" I don't know where I summoned the strength to say that but I surprised myself. I winced, waiting for the sharp contact of his fist to my body... Instead, I was released. I was confused.. but my body collapsed and I passed out.

-Noah's P.O.V

Tim held Dixie up by her throat... My hands clenched into a tight fist - he was the reason we had broken up and it was my fault her mother had to move away and why she ended up in the hospital was all my fault!! But why would my father do this... to the woman I love, to the person who was carrying my child!

I couldn't control my anger any longer, I had heard enough! And before I knew it I had burst into the room and pulled Tim off Dixie and on the floor repeatedly punching his face until I felt the stickiness of his blood on my fist! I couldn't stop, he had hurt the one person I had ever truly loved, the only person whom I've ever had to fight for...the mother of my child!!

Tim stilled beneath me and with one last punch stopped... his heartbeat was faint, I couldn't kill him, even though he was a wanker- he was my father...

I got to my feet and walked over to Dixie who had passed out. How could I have not known... why didn't she tell me!

I lifted her gently and carried her to a guest bedroom, as far away from my father as I could and placed her on the bed, making sure she was comfortable. I laid next to her, wrapping one arm around her neck pulling her closer to my body, whilst the other carefully rested on her stomach, over my child... I was never letting her out of my sight again!

As I laid there looking at her calm beautiful face asleep, I calmed down and thought back to when Dixie confessed her love.. even when threatened she did it all out of love. She even stupidly risked her life for me!

I thought of our child. How lucky it would be to have a mother like Dixie and how I will do everything in my power to make sure the baby and Dixie are safe! she and the baby were my only family now... I just need to sort out what to do with my father...

To be continued...


So I've been thinking about writing another book. Hope you guys enjoyed this have a great day love you all so much.

P.s and heads up this story is coming to end in like two more chapters that's why I want to start another story.

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