Chapter Fifteen - Money Can't Buy You Everything

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Continuation from chapter fourteen

Walking down the school halls didn't seem so gloomy anymore, I don't know whether it was because it's Friday, or that last night I didn't have to spend long hours at work because we have some amazing new landlords!!

I couldn't keep the smile off my face all day, even though all my boring lessons, I couldn't stop smiling until before I knew it, it was the end of the day! Wow, this day just keeps getting better and better!

After class, I stopped off at my lockers to get my backpack... if only I didn't have homework, then this day would have been perfect, I thought to myself.

"Hey" a sexy, deep man's voice vibrated down my ear as his lips brushed against the nape of my neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"oh hello to you to" I turned in Noah's arms and draped my arms around his neck. My smile now wide with joy... another reason why this day was so perfect!

"Do you want to come back to mine?" how could I possibly say no!

"Hmmm, I don't know, I might have to ask my boyfriend.. you see he gets jealous!" Noah's eyes sparkled and the corner of his lips curled up as he tried to contain his laughter.

"oh really, he sounds like a hot and sexy and caring boyfriend"

"He's not that sexy you know..." we both laughed then he picked me up and flung me over his shoulder and slapped me on my arse.

"Ahh!" I yelped in pain.. but yet all I felt was a pleasure!

We burst through Noah's front door, in each other's arms, kissing intensely. Noah shut the door then pushed me up against it. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, fisting some and pushing his head closer to mine so that his lips went rougher on mine! He was so irresistible, I needed to taste him more and more!


The house phone rang, echoing throughout the castle-like mansion.

"I need to get that.." Noah whispered disappointed between breaths. He pulled away slowly, my eyes still closed trying to savour the feel of him close to my body, the feel of his lips on mine! and moaned from his absence.

He grabbed my hand and guided me to his study in one of the many rooms of the long hallway.

As he picked up the phone to take the call, I looked around this magnificent room. The huge, dominant wooden desk at the far side of the room with floor to floor windows behind it, demanding the attention of the room. To both the side of the room there were bookshelves filled with every book you could imagine.

I walked over to the bookshelf and ran my finger across the immaculately kept books, flicking my eyes across the titles as I made my way over to the desk.

He stood there like a model posing for a business magazine. One hand on his hip and the phone in his other hand, gazing off out the window as he concentrated on the phone call... so professional! I could imagine him in here working as our children ran around him and I stood like this, just admiring my family.. our family!

I shook my head, bringing myself from my hopeful dreams and walked closer to Noah. I sat on the desk and tapped him on the shoulder, turning his attention to me.

He looked down at me, a little confused at first until I placed my hands on his cheeks and brought him down to my lips. He moved in between my legs and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He put the phone to his chest, "I need to take this" He smiled... oh there was no way I was going to leave it like this... let's have a little fun!

I trailed kisses from the corner of his mouth, grazing my teeth over his jaw and down his neck. When I got to the nape of his neck I bit and sucked hard and he let out a little moan. A moan that had me wanting to moan... making me almost dripping wet from lust! I looked up at him through my eyelashes and smiled in triumph!

"oh, sorry.. no... I have a cough" Noah tried to explain himself to the man on the other side of the phone. He looked down at me, lust and anger boiling in his gaze... oh this is fun!

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to call you back" Noah hung up and now put all his attention on me, fire burning in his eyes... "that was mean!" I burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

"what was." I looked away, pretending to act dumb. Noah placed his hand under my chin, directing my gaze to his... but it wasn't him that caught my eye, but instead the papers on his desk! I pulled my head from his grasp and picked up one of the documents on the desk...

"no.. wait!" Noah tried to take the paper from my hand but I jumped off the desk and put distance between us. In the top corner of the page there was the James landlords inc Logo... why..."Why do you have these?" my smile faded. He didn't answer, instead, he just stared at me "you own Homes Landlords inc!?! so you..."

"yes... I know... about you..." He closed the space between us, grabbing my hands, but I pulled away from his caress and stepped back. I was so embarrassed and hurt,

"I can handle myself! I DON'T NEED YOUR CHARITY!" I shouted, I know he was only trying to help... but I hate it when people think me and my mum are too weak and defenceless to fend for ourselves! I hate having to owe someone! I threw the paper on the floor and ran out the door and into the main hall.

"wait, Dixie! WAIT!" Noah shouted behind me. When I didn't stop I heard him run after me until he grabbed my wrist, spinning me around to face him... but I was too angry!

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I tugged my hand away from his grasp.

I looked up at his face, his eyebrows were pushed together and his eyes were glazed with fear and sadness... he was so hurt! I wanted to stop, to hug him close and apologize for saying and doing what I did.. for what I was about to do, but I need to get myself away from him!

Once before some rich man tried to "help us with his money by marrying my mother.. but when he didn't get what he wanted he took all his money away and more! Leaving us in more debt!! His name was Marc and he was the reason we left England... and there was no way I could do that to my mother, not again!

I turned myself away from Noah... unable to cope with the pain in his face.

"Please.. don't go!" he whispered, begging me!

"don't Noah... just please, just leave me alone!" I couldn't take it anymore... I know if I stay any longer, I will cave and take him back, but I can't... not while he acts like he does, using money to solve everything! I pulled away from him and headed for the front door.

He grabbed my hand again, but I didn't turn to face him.

"Please... please! I only did what I did to help you! It killed me seeing you not eat... not sleep! I wanted you to be safe, to be happy... and the only way I know of doing that is with money, it's all I've ever known, all I've ever been taught!!" I tugged on his hand to the walkway, but I got pulled back because he never let go.

Instead, my arm was tugged downwards. I turned to find Noah on his knees! "Please... don't go... I need you!" A tear fell down Noah's cheek, something I never thought I would see Noah do! And I had to hold back my tears, I had to stay strong, had to leave!

"Let me go, Noah..." I whispered as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I pulled hard from Noah's grasp and ran for the door. I risked a glance back to find Noah on his knees and hands, his head down... I had never seen Noah so low... So vulnerable! I did this! I had broken and hurt him!

I ran out the driveway and down the road, I didn't stop running until I knew I was a far distance from Noah I let myself go! I clutched my knees, catching my breath and crying with every little bit of energy I had left!

Why did this have to happen!?! UGHHHHH! why do I have to Love this stupid prick!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this. Have a great day love you all.

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