Chapter One - New School, New Home, New Country!

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So this is my new Doah story. I think you guys will love it. So enjoy the first chapter.

California is nothing like England! What is with this heat? Ughhhhhh, I miss the rain haha! I know, it should be the other way round, but I don't like getting sweaty... although I do love to get my rugby sweat on... oh, I'm sorry, I mean 'football' for my American friends.

I got here two weeks before starting school, so I had time to make friends with what I think will be my two best friends, Addison and Bryce.

I walked through the car park, admiring all the spoiled children's top-of-the-range sports cars pulling in to park. I mean come on parents, handing your children everything on a silver platter will only make them more spoiled and not appreciate the little things in life... but how I envied them!

"owwwww" I was knocked, hard, out of my thoughts. I turn to beat the guy who dared to drive his car into my leg... until I bestowed my eyes upon the mother of all sports cars, a silver BMW hybrid sports car!!! Ahhhhhh!! I had only heard Legends that they were starting to sell them, but I didn't think your average Joe could start buying them... but then again there was nothing average about the students here... or the driver, Noah Beck!

I wiped the drool from my chin, and aggressively flew my arms up meaning 'what's your problem then carrying on, past the lunch tables outside and up the stairs into the hell hole, also known as school!

Addison and Bryce were already waiting for me at my locker and I was happy to see them first thing on my first ever day at an American high school!

"Addi! Bryce!" I embraced them both into a tight hug

"Dixie!!!" they both shouted back as we sucked the air out of each other.

"So what have you got first?" I asked, hoping and praying that at least one of them would be in my lesson!

"erm.." they both rustled through their class schedules.

"I have sports! Oh yeah!!" Bryce fist-pumped the air because he loves, just as much as I did.

"I have DRAMA!!!!" Addi practically screamed the last part, but no one can argue... she is dramatic!

"so what do you have Dixie?" Bryce questioned, trying to ignore Addi as best as we both could. Oh, I had forgotten to check myself.

I rustled through my panda-styled backpack in search of my timetable. I found the sheet in the corner of my bag and as I lifted it into the light...

"I have..." I couldn't speak, my face went numb! Why does this only happen to me? "nooo! Maths! Ughhhh! Just my Luck"

I swung my head down with misery and began to fake cry by shaking my shoulders furiously up and down.

Bryce and Addi each took a shoulder to sympathetically fake pat me better and we all broke out into laughter. Wow, I had only known these two for two weeks and yet I feel as though they know me better than any of my friends back home!

I looked at them both in admiration as they laughed and talked between themselves. Addi's deep brown eyes danced with joy at Bryce's jokes. Her sun-kissed skin cheeks had cute dimples and her light pink lips perfectly circled her perfect white teeth. She had a body like mine, petite and curvy but I was 5ft 7, and she was 5ft5.

But that was nothing as we were shadowed by Bryce's 6ft muscular body, thanks to all his days playing football. He was quite handsome with his knock-out smile, dirty blond hair like mine that he spiked and brown eyes.

The bell rang and as the halls cleared we said our good-byes and made our way to class. I had only got halfway down the hall before I was lost! I had no idea where I was going and I had forgotten to ask Addi or Bryce for help, GREAT!

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