Chapter Fourteen - In The Loop

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Continuation from chapter thirteen

- Dixie's P.O.V

Driving to school with Addi, I rested my head on the cold window and thought of last night after work... it felt as though someone was following me! It was weird because although I should have been scared of the possible rapist or stalker... I felt safe... I wonder if there was someone following me, but who?

We pulled up into school but I was too tired to move! All these long hours... how was I going to cope working these hours if I can't even cope with just one night!

Addi walked me to Maths, which I was grateful for as I don't think I could have made it on my own... I don't think I wanted to! When I walked into class, everyone was already there and sitting at their desks chatting away.

As I made my way to the back, I exchanged looks with Noah... he too looked like he had stayed up all night, a little stubble on his chiselled jaw, bags under his big hazel eyes and he had a look of worry in his eyes.. like he had stayed up all night thinking about something so much he couldn't sleep! Yet with the lack of care and sleep, he still looked like a Greek god!! The 5 o'clock shadow even made him look sexier.. like a bad boy!

He noticed me and smiled, even though he looks the way he does.. he put everything into his smile, it was a genuine smile that instantly made me happier! I smiled back, but mine was nowhere near as convincing as his and he saw that.. as he pushed his eyebrows together and his smile faded slightly

I slouched into my chair.. finally, I might be able to get some rest!

Mr. Kay walked in and instantly demanded the attention of the class. I leaned my head in my arms on the table and closed my eyes. I could feel Noah's eyes burning into the back of my head... but I was too tired to move.. just a little nap and then I'll be fine. Next thing I knew I was being surrounded by darkness and into my dreamland!

-Noah's P.O.V

I had stayed up all night, thinking about how I would talk to Dixie... if I would confront her at all! If she hadn't told me herself then I don't want to talk to her if she's not ready and I don't want to force her to tell me something she is so obviously uncomfortable with... but I feel distant from her!

I was too tied up in my thoughts to notice Dixie walk into the classroom. She looked how I felt.. tired and physically drained... but she did not show it! Although her eyes were tired, she looked hot! How could she possibly think I wouldn't love her anymore just because she's poor!

I smiled.. putting all my lasting energy into making it believable but when she tried to smile back, it wasn't her usual widespread smile.. she was exhausted! I just wanted to hug her close and tell her she would never have to work or worry about money again because I will never leave her... and I will always provide for her!

She slouched into her desk and rested her head in her arms. I just stared at her sleeping calmly, all her worries fading away as she slept... It killed me to see her like this. I couldn't concentrate on maths... or anything else for that matter... only Dixie!

"Mrs. D'Amelio!" Mr. Kay shouted as he noticed Dixie had fallen asleep. Dixie's eyebrows pushed together... no! I can't let this prick wake Dixie, I don't want her to look upset and tired, instead, I want her to be peaceful like she is now.

"Don't wake her!" I shouted at Mr. Kay, surprising myself...

"WHAT!?!" At my sudden outburst, Mr. Kay was red with anger... how dare he talk to me like that! I don't usually like to bring my money and power into arguments, but I would do anything to keep Dixie happy!

I stood quietly, making sure I made no further sound, "I would like to remind you that my father is on the board of directors for this school and is the biggest contributor to this school... If you wake up Dixie, you will have no job at this school or any school for that matter!"

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