Chapter Eleven - Touch Down!

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Continuation from chapter ten

Forgot I had this in drafts so here it is but I'm still on a break for the rest of the day it's my cousin's birthday so I won't be posting. Enjoy this. Have a great day.

We all walked out onto Noah's huge front yard and up to his football field. Noah and his chosen 3 players, who I had forgotten their names as soon as they had told me, walked to the left and me and my team walked to the right.

on the way, I looked at Noah and he was staring at me, giving me a cheeky smile... confident that he was going to win, but there was no way I could let him!

To show I wasn't shaken by his cockiness, I blew him a kiss and winked at him. His face brightened up as a smile spread across his face... Wow! I love that man!

"Ok guys let's huddle!" I shouted to my team and turned to join them, leaning down to join the huddle. "it's 4 on 4, so we're having 2 in attack and 2 in defence. I'm taking the attack." I got a few judgemental looks from Josh and Blake...

"Shouldn't one of us take the attack... I mean we are stronger and against Noah, we'll need that!"

"trust her guys... she could take on Noah!" Bryce reassured them, we had played many times and I had beat him so easily! Haha!

"Also, I need yours and Blake's strength in defence, if they do get past me or Bryce I need you two to do whatever you can to stop them! You got it!" being able to control these guys.. this power, now I know why Noah loved it so much!

"yeah!" they all shouted back as we began to walk into position

"oh, and WHEN we win I'll let you all have a go driving Noah's car!" I said it just loud enough for Noah to hear... and boy was he angry. The look of horror spread across his face until his smug smile was completely gone! But after a moment or two, he changed to an evil smile, raising an eyebrow,

"Oh, and WHEN we win, maybe we can pick up from where we left off!" as I remembered the night of his party, the night we almost had sex... my cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment and my headshot down to the ground because all the

guys turned to gawk at me, smiling and nodding their heads. Some even patted Noah on the shoulder, appraising him.. that's it!! I'm winning this game and driving his car into the river just to see him cry!!!!

I walked over and stood in front of Noah, who was the attacker for his team and quickly tied my long hair into a cute messy ponytail.

I bent down in front of Bryce, placing the ball in front of me.. although there are some rule and regulations different between American football and rugby, American football is quite similar to rugby so we compromised that we would start the game off in the style of American football, but the guys wouldn't wear protective gear like rugby.

I looked up at Noah who was crouching in front of me in preparation for the game to start.. but he wasn't concentrating on the ball, instead, he was red with anger... no it was jealousy! Because I was so close to Bryce in this way!

Haha! I can use this jealousy as a distraction in my favour to win this! I closed my eyes, bit my lip and moaned.. take that Noah!!

-Noah's P.O.V

Dixie made her way into position, her cheeks were still red from embarrassment and her head hung in shame... but that only added fuel to the fire! I wanted her more and if I won I finally got to call her my girlfriend!

I bent down into position, but when I looked up Dixie was bent down in front of Bryce!!! I couldn't help but get jealous and angry. I wanted to punch the life out of Bryce for standing so close to MY DIXIE!

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