Chapter Six - Good Morning?

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Continuation from chapter five

- Dixie's P.O.V

I was awoken by a buzzing sound.. no I don't want to get up!! I was having a lovely dream that I was with Noah and he had his arms wrapped around me, hugging me close to him... wiping away all my worries...

Buzzzzz, buzz!!

What was that!?! I opened my eyes only slightly but closed them instantly when the burning sun fell through the window... why didn't I shut the curtain last night!?!

After slowly getting adjusted to the early morning sun, I went in search of this annoying buzzing sound.. shit! It's my phone!! I flipped the covers off my body... but I wasn't met by the usual freezing coldness of my bedroom.. pushing that thought aside I rustled into my jeans pockets to retrieve the buzzing phone, but why was I still wearing my clothes?

"Hello?" I answered the phone, weary of who would be calling me at this time!! I am not a morning person!!

"WHERE ARE YOU?" My mother asked worriedly... What was she talking about, I'm in my room!

"huh!? What are you talking about..." I fully opened my eyes and searched the room I was in. I lifted my eyes from the king-size, soft bed with white Egyptian cotton blankets, and over to the far side were two doors next to each other facing me.. bathroom? Wardrobe?

The walls were coloured black and white, and a few family pictures on the wall.. of NOAH!! I was in his room... I was in his bed!!!

I jumped out and quickly searched the room, which was at least three times as big as my room.. in search of Noah, but he wasn't here with me. I was relieved to be on my own... but I was also disappointed, I wanted him here with me... I wanted my dream to be true!

"Dixie...? Where are you!" My mum repeated.

"oh..erm... I'm at my friend Addi's house. She had a sleepover.. just me and her." Would she believe my lie?

"oh ok! But next time, could you please text me so I won't have a heart attack when I find you're not home!!" I love my mum, she was so kind and caring.. and always put me first!

"haha! Sorry, mum, I'll be home in 5 minutes.. will you still be there?" With the hours my mum worked, we hardly ever saw each other.. so when she had mornings or nights off from her many jobs, we would spend every second with each other.. and I loved it!

"you betcha, honey!! I have the morning off so hurry on back!" at the mention of seeing my mum, my heart lifted.. and I had completely forgotten about where I was... wait, where is Noah's house exactly... oh crap!

"see you soon! Love you"

"love you to baby!" we hung up and I stood frozen, trying to think of a plan.. could I get out of the house without being noticed?

I went to what I thought was the bedroom door, but instead, I found a walk-in wardrobe... was that necessary! On my next attempt, I found a bathroom which was a little bigger than my bedroom! Was he serious!! Before I had shut the door, a note on a pile of clothes caught my attention. I walked over to the bathroom counter, under a large mirror and read the note...

"Dixie, you slept in your clothes... so I thought you would appreciate a clean change of clothes after a hot shower... breakfast is downstairs once you're done, -Noah

His words made me start to fall even more in love with him.. he cared! Ahhhh!

Wait! Stop this Dixie! He probably got one of his maids to do this for him... don't fall for it! So I ignored the letter and went back to my search for the exit. Although I wanted to leave... the hot shower was tempting as I think it's been a year since I've had a warm shower because of the bills, hot water is our last concern!

I forced the temptation away!! I had to leave!

With only one more door to try, I was successful! I slowly opened it and looked both ways down the long hallway of wooden doors.. god knows what is behind them!! I quietly shut the door and made my way towards the stairs and down into the main hall.. the front door was in my sight!!

As I walked closer and closer... I was beginning to get more scared, my hands were beginning to sweat, my mouth went dry, but why... it's not like I broke into the house, or like was robbing the place! I was invited in and asked to stay. But I still kept quiet...

I passed the kitchen, the door a little open so I risked the chance to look into the giant, perfectly designed room.. to find Noah! He stood, leaning on one hand on the counter, the other lifting a cup of coffee to his beautiful mouth as he read the newspaper below him on the counter as busy kitchen workers buzzed around him preparing breakfast.

stood, staring at him... gazing at his muscular physique, was it really possible for a man to be this sexy whilst wearing casual jeans and a grey top.. he doesn't even try and he still looks like a model!

He brought the cup up to his lips once more and I couldn't help but follow it with my eyes... Those lips.. the thought of what happened last night and the feel of his lips roughly on mine! I was starting to heat up, my cheeks turning as red as a tomato! I had to swallow the lump in my throat... pushing away the lust I felt for him!

"Oh, Dixie.." Noah shouted over to me, waking his hand for me to come to join him. His sudden actions dragged me from my thoughts and instinctively I turned away and ran for the door... I had to leave!

"DIXIE!!" Noah shouted behind me and as I made it out into the long driveway, I could hear him running behind me so I picked up the pace!

I was about to make it to the gates that lead onto the main road, before he overtook me and stood in front of me, forcing me to stop. I was breathing heavily from the running, whilst Noah looked like he never even broke out into a sweat! Ughhh!! why is he so perfect!

-Noah's P.O.V

When I caught up with her we both had to get our breath back... wow she's a fast runner! Why was she running away from me? And she's still in her own clothes, did she not read the note? Or did she just not want to be with me at all!?! my heart sank... I needed her!

"where are you going?" I finally said, not wanting an answer.. instead I would happily pull her over my shoulder, take her back into my house and lock her in my room forever.. just so no other person could have her, and no one could take her away from me!!

"Home" was a blunt answer, and she never once made eye contact with me.. what had I done wrong!!

"Have I done something to upset you?" I had to ask... I would do anything to make her love me! But her reaction was not what I expected.. she looked even more hurt from my question, should I have known what I did hurt her!!

She never answered, instead she just scoffed and pushed past me to carry on walking down the road.. 'don't let her leave!' My subconscious screamed at me... I never want to be away from her!!

I grabbed her arm, forcing her to turn to face me... anger now showing more on her beautiful face... but I still found her so irresistible! How could she do this to me!?!

"WHAT!" she shouted.

I was shocked by her outburst. I wanted to answer by telling her to never leave, or to ask her to give me an answer to why she was so angry.. but instead, I settle with the fact she wouldn't tell me even if I asked,

"At least let me take you home..."

She looked at me for a while... clearly thinking hard about how to answer the question... why? Doesn't she want me to know where she lives or something?

- Dixie's P.O.V

"At least let me take you home," he asked me... what? No! I can't let the richest and most powerful guy at my school see where I live, see my run-down, poor house... I wasn't up for his jokes, not while I was angry at him for treating me like another one of his whores, and then playing dumb about it!!

I pulled my arm from his strong grasp.. he didn't want to let me go! I only wish he wanted me to stay because he loved me...

"No! I'll make my own way home!!" I turned and briskly made my way home. I just wanted to get home and spend time with my mum and forget this weekend altogether!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed this. Love you all bye.

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