Chapter Thirty-One - You Might Have Won The Battle...

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Continuation from chapter thirty


Brace yourselves and sorry for this chapter but I had to write it. Enjoy 

I turned quickly on my heel and ran in the opposite direction until strong arms circled my waist and pulled me back and threw me into the back of the limo.

"HEY!! STOP!! I'M BEING KIDNAPED!!" I screamed before the door slammed in my face but no one came to my rescue... I was screwed!

The car pulled away and started to drive to my unknown destination...

"Hello, Dixie... we will meet again." I turned to find Tim sitting at the far end of the limo like a mob boss

"Unfortunately..." I said under my breath, too scared to say out loud. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see..." was all he said before we sat awkwardly in the back together... I rested my head against the black-out windows giving me no clue to where we were going!

The car stopped and the bodyguard rushed to Tim's door. I ran out after him, too eager to see my destination.. he wouldn't kill me... right...

I was home... "You drove me home?... Tim smiled. It was creepy, obviously an expression he's not used to having on his face! He lifted his hand, insinuating that I walk first and open the door and I obediently complied, holding the door open after me for his highness!

As soon as he entered he judged every inch of Mrs. Jones's house... his lips pouting in disgust... There's Tim I know! I rolled my eyes and threw my bag down.

"So what can I..." I stopped as my face collided with Tim's hand and I fell to the floor, he slapped me! My hand instantly covers my red, throbbing cheek.

"YOU HAD ONE JOB! You are an insolent little girl!!" "" he knows! But how!?! Not even Addi knows!!

"I couldn't trust that you would so simply leave.. stupid little girl, you didn't even notice the cameras around schools. Especially the ones in the classrooms, you WHORE!" A sickening smile split his wrinkled face sending a shiver down my spine with disgust! "So I've seen all your Little 'get together with my son... you're quite the whore, like your mother!!" Tears blurred my vision as they descended my cheeks...

"Don't talk about my mother like that, you bastard!" I spat through my teeth... How dare he insult my mother!!

"Don't talk to me like that you bitch!" Tim slapped me again before lifting me by my hair to my feet.

"Owwww! Stop!!" I begged but he continued to drag me until my back hit the wall and his hand wrapped around my neck, keeping me in place no matter how much I struggled against it!

"I tried to play nice... but you just keep disobeying me! All you had to do was stay away from my son!"

"I tried... I tried so hard! I left him, I told him it was over between us... but he wouldn't leave me alone!! I've tried." I laughed to myself "I guess he loves me more than I thought.. ha.." It had just clicked, all I had put Noah through... he still loved me and wanted to be with me!

My thoughts were cut off by an almighty blow to my head... Tim was now using his fists, punching me over and over again, I remember tasting blood in my mouth before I passed out cold on the floor... lying in my pool of blood as I watch Tim Leave...

so this is the end... I never even got the chance to tell Noah the truth... Noah...

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoyed my school is over in like an hour and a half so more will come after have a great day love you all and sorry for this chapter it took a turn. 

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