Chapter Twenty-Four - Times Up

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Continuation from chapter twenty-three

- Dixie's P.O.V

It had now been 3 days, and finally, I had found a job, well actually I found 2! they were cash in hand so Tim will never know, nor have any control over my job status there as in the records, it's written as I still don't even have a job. One is working on the construction. My job is to direct the traffic at night time and then in the days, I work in a factory, packaging items... it's not ideal but its good pay and keeping busy has kept my mind off Noah.

I knew that I would be hearing from Noah sooner or later as this was the last day he had promised to leave me alone...

I heard a car driving down the road, headlights filling my room so I darted to the window. In this neighbourhood, you have to be on high alert.. especially because I'm alone now that my mum has left me and also Mrs. Jones!

I sighed with relief as Addi parked up outside my old house, now abandoned... It didn't bother me as much because we hadn't been living there long- only been living there for two months, however, I'm only sad because it was the first place we could call our own. Now we have nothing, I don't even have my mother to cry to because she had to move straight away... I miss her so much!

I could see Addi walking up the path and knocking on the door from Mrs. Jones's guest bedroom window and I giggled to myself as she stood there waiting for an answer. After a while of tormenting Addi, making her think that I had left her, I ran out and tapped her on the shoulder making her jump with shock.

"Oh, Dixie... YOU SCARED ME!!" I just laughed uncontrollably at her reaction, clutching my sides from the pain and wiping the tears from my eyes. "I'm glad you found it funny... anyway.." Addi flicked her head from my old house to Mrs. Jones's "Do I have amnesia or have you always lived there?" I laughed harder but was silenced when she slapped me hard on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, and no there's nothing wrong with you! Come inside - I'll explain everything." I sighed... I didn't want to tell my life out loud because then it becomes more real, then it has less chance of being a horrible nightmare and more reality!

I filled Addi in on everything that had happened since had last seen her.. in that short space of time, it had been a lot!

She just sat frozen, her mouth open in shock.. this is not making me feel any better! "I'm so sorry Dixie, please let me help y." Before she could finish I lifted my hand signalling for her to stop, and she obeyed- pushing her lips into a straight line, trying to hold back her protest.

"I just want to forget it!" slamming my eyes shut I shook my head.. thinking it would wipe the memories from my mind.. but it didn't... I was still miserable, poor, unwanted Dixie... perfect!

Softly, Addi squeezed my shoulder trying to give me support "I have something that will make you feel happier.. a PAR-TAYYYY!"

I summoned all the strength I had left to lift my head from my hands and look at her. I tilted my head to the side... I didn't need to say anything- my confused expression said a thousand words!

"Come on, it will do you good to forget about Noah! We'll get you drunk, so drunk that you won't be able to feel any pain! Haha!" I smiled at her explanation... I could drown out the pain with alcohol.. forget everything, even if it is just for one night!

"Fine!" Addi jumped into the air screeching in victory before viciously grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs to my temporary room to get ready for tonight!


"You thought that to get Noah off my mind... YOU'LL TAKE ME TO A PARTY AT NOAH'S HOUSE!!!!" I screamed into Addi's ear as she pulled up into Noah's driveway. I attempted to open the door and jump out before I was seen, but stupid Addi had locked the doors so that it could only be opened from the outside, but I still tried!

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