Chapter Nine - Ride Home

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Continuation from chapter eight

This is a short story

Buzzzzzz buzzzzzz!

No!! I don't want my phone to ruin this moment! But I knew it was my mum... so I slowly got out of bed, leaving the warmth of Noah's arms in search of my phone.

"Hello?" I answered

"hey honey! How's Addi?"

"oh... fine.. we've just got up. I hate lying to my mum, but I couldn't tell her that I had spent the whole night with Noah because I think she would kill me!!

"oh good, because I'll be home in an hour if you want to go out somewhere?"

"Really!?! Yeah, I'll be there soon! Love you bye"

"love you too, bye-bye!" I hung up and put my phone on the dresser when Noah came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, hugging my back close to his front. He placed a little kiss on my neck and lifting his lips to my ear,

"who was that?" he whispered with jealousy mixed with his words, sending chills down my spine.. how can someone turn me on so much with just the littlest of touch! I turned away to hide my now red-coloured face.

"Erm, just my mum... I'm going to go.." but I don't want to go! I want to stay with Noah! I went to pick up my bag by the door but Noah grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

"Why the rush? I'll take you in my car" I had to be careful of what I said... there is no way I can let Noah see where I live, but I also know it's just as impossible for Noah to back own!

"My mum has the morning off so we're going to spend time with each other... and it's ok... I live close so I'll make my own way." I hate all the lying I had done today, but it was all necessary. I turned and grabbed my bag, making sure my back was turned to Noah when I told my little white lie.

"if it's so close then it will be even closer if I drive you there.." Noah smiled, I knew he wasn't going to drop this.. had to think of something and fast! My mouth was going dry and my palms were sweating, what was going to do!!

In the end, Noah forced me to let him drive me home, but I didn't mind as much anymore as he was driving me in his silver BMW hybrid sports car.. one day I am going to drive this car!!

I directed Noah all the way until we pulled up outside a big, and beautiful cottage-style house... Addi's house! I couldn't take him to my house.. not yet at least! Not until I can fully trust Noah and let him into my life completely!

"Wow! I love your house! And I didn't know you lived so close to school!" Noah leaned on his wheel to get a better Look out the window at Addi's house.

"erm.. thanks... bye!" I went for the door handle, I wanted to get out of here as soon as I could and wash away the horrible feeling of lying to Noah, the last person I wanted to fool! But he pulled on my arm, forcing me to turn and face him. He kissed me softly on my lips, but it was too short! wanted it to last forever.

"Bye, see you tomorrow!" Noah looked hopeful as he waited for my reply. He wants to see me tomorrow!! Ahhhh! I can't believe that last weekend I had run from him, and now we were making plans to fill our days with each other.

"Yes, definitely! Bye" I smiled and went for the door again but he stopped me once more... and pulled me into him, our lips meeting passionately. Before it got deeper he pulled away, causing me to moan.

"I love you!" oh my! I love this man!! I giggled at his actions

"I love you too!" I got out of the car and made my way to the front door, waving goodbye as Noah drove off. After I knew Noah was far enough away, I ran back down the driveway and up the road, back to my actual house which was far from this paradise!

-Noah's P.O.V

I leaned in and kissed her passionately, "I love you," I told her and she smiled, just a little smile at first, but as it grew it pressed her rosy cheeks up and slowly revealed her teeth, like a perfect Pearl necklace. Finally, the smile reached her eyes, lighting them, causing them to crinkle at the corners.

At that moment she was everything I had ever hoped for, she was everything I would ever need.

"I love you too!" She said the three Most magical words could hope to hear from her mouth.. you hear that guys... SHE'S MINE!!

She got out of the car and made her way to her house... it was a really beautiful house, for a beautiful woman! But for some reason, I never thought Dixie would be this rich because she doesn't come across as someone who has money. I guess it's true, you can never judge a book by its cover.

She waved goodbye as I drove off, I was already missing her, missing her warmth, the comfort she brought me and the softness of her skin against mine! but she promised I could see her tomorrow, but that was too far away!

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoy this making some more now and sorry for the short chapter but anyways enjoy your day and love you all.

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