Chapter Seventeen - Innocent

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Continuation from chapter sixteen

⚠Smut warning⚠

I turned into my road.. finally home at last!

No... my heart sank as I saw Noah's car pulled up in front of my house. He was leaning against the side of the car, his arms crossed... sending butterflies to my stomach at how the man standing in front of me could be so god damn hot!

I coughed, taking myself away from my lustful thoughts and carried on walking to my house. I ignored Noah and walked to my front door.

"Come on Dixie, please just talk to me!" He ran up to me, stopping only inches away.

"Noah, why do you keep doing this!! Just leave!" He took another step forward but I held up my hand, signalling for him to stop. I dug for my keys in my bag and turned to unlock my door but I was all fingers and thumbs... prolonging the process, ugh why!!! I heard Noah let out a chuckle.. the sound of his deep voice so irresistible!

My cheeks began to heat, turning as red as a tomato.. stop! I can't think about Noah like that, not at a time like this!

I finally opened my door and pushed it to shut.. but it didn't shut fully, Noah had stopped it!

"What are you doing?"

"Just let me explain... we need to talk!"

"I have nothing to say to you.."

"Then let me talk!" I tried to shut the door once more, but he pushed harder.. opening it wider until it had completely swung open. His huge, sexy muscular body filled the frame and he leaned against the door frame, smiling wide in victory!

I threw my hands in the air and walked to my room! "Talk all you want... I'll be in my room!" I heard Noah shut and lock the front door and follow me to my room.

"Hey, that wasn't an invitat..." I was stopped halfway by Noah's lips on mine! His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My lips began to move involuntarily with his... damn hormones!!

His full lips were warm and tasted sweet like honey.. oh how I missed this! I lifted my hands to his head, fisting his hair to push him closer to me! I need him... I needed more of him! He bit my bottom lip and I moaned, giving him full access to my mouth as if he read my mind!

I played with his tongue, our mouths and body's moving in sync with each other sending a shock wave through my body. This was the best kiss we had shared... until he pulled away harshly.. no!!

We were breathing hard, trying to get our breaths back. He leaned down, brushing his lips against my ear,

"Do you have any idea what you do to me.. the power you have over me, Dixie D'Amelio!" He said as he bit on my ear lobe.

At his words, the muscles deep in my stomach clenched with excitement. I closed my eyes, savouring his words and the feeling it gave me! He put his fingers under my chin, caressing it softly, pulling my gaze to his... I was hypnotized by his hazel eyes that were staring into mine.. so full of love and lust!

He leaned down again and kissed me. Placing his firm and demanding lips on mine he lifted my legs around his waist and walked over to my bed.

He softly placed me on my bed, with his body looming over mine... Our lips are still connected!

He moved his kisses down my chin, my jaw and my neck while he started to lift my top up and over my head, throwing it to another side of the room followed by my bra. He knelt, one leg on either side of me, and gazed at me.. thank god I had decided to wear my matching black lace underwear!!

"Oh Dixie..." he whispered and I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment. I tried to cover myself up, but he grabbed my hands... stopping me, "you're so beautiful! I want to see all of you!" He placed a quick kiss on my lips before removing his top and throwing it with mine.

Our lips connected once more, his kiss was demanding and needy, I moaned as his tongue playfully flicks mine. He moved his arms around me and lifts me closer to his body... skin on skin! He moved one of his hands down and gently squeezed my ass, pushing my hips onto his erection. I moan again into his mouth.

He snapped the waistband of my jeans, "We need to get rid of these!"

I could hardly control my hormones, I wanted him so badly! He tugged on my pants, bringing my panties down with them and they joined the rest of my discarded clothes...I was now fully naked in front of him!

He took a sharp inhale as his eyes scanned every inch of my body. "You are so beautiful Dixie.. and I'm going to make you all mine!" His words were so demanding and powerful... It was so sexy and took my breath away! He was making me so horny.. so wet! I needed him in me to take the throbbing pain from in between my legs!

He stood and removed a foil packet.. a condom? Before slowly removed his pants... teasing me, until his erection sprung free. Wow! He was a big boy... I kept thinking how the hell would he fit that in me!

He smiled as he caught me looking at his impressive length, "Like what you see?" I only licked my lips as a response... oh boy do I!

He growled from my response and leaned down over me grasping both my ankles, positioning himself between my legs. I was now squirming with need...I needed him!

But he continued to tease me, he leaned down and grasped my breast in one hand and sucked on the other. Nibbling the nipple making me moan, load! My nipples hardened at his touch wanting more and he complied with my unspoken order by biting down and sucking, hard again on one nipple as he rolled my other nipple with his thumb... I moaned... I couldn't take it anymore!

"oh... please.. ple..." I groaned as the sweet sensation of his touch travelled down my body to my groin ... I'm getting so wet just from the littlest touch!

He lifted his head to my ear once more, "Are you ready baby!" I could only manage a moan in response! He unpackaged the condom and slid it down his shaft then positioned himself between my legs... I could feel the head of his erection on the entrance of my innocence. This was it, I was giving my everything to Noah.. and I am happy it's him!

He thrust hard into me.

"AHHHH!" I shouted as a strange stinging sensation tore through my virginity. He stilled, only half of his shaft in me and gazed down at me, his eyes filled with lust.

"Are you alright baby?" I nodded, it was painful but I didn't want him to stop, not now, not ever! He proceeded to fill me, taking a sharp breath, "You're so tight!"

I moaned as he filled me! Throwing my head back from extreme pleasure.

He then began to pull out slowly and thrust back in, harder.. deeper! I cried and he stilled once more...

"Don't... stop!" I said between breaths. He chucked, his deep and alluring laugh and continued, moving faster causing me to moan louder, but he didn't stop! And I became used to the strange feeling, my hips instinctively began to move with him and he picked up the speed and the rhythm.

I began to moan at the intense pleasure I was feeling!

"Come for me, baby!" Noah murmured and I did! I fell apart under him.. convulsing and shattering into pieces.. that was extraordinary.. breathtaking!

After a few more thrusts, Noah joins me in the orgasm...pumping his hot liquid into me! Then he fell next to me.. wrapping me in his arms, both of us fighting for our breath. This is where I should be.. in Noah's protective and safe arms! I snuggled close to his warmth, burying my head in his chest... letting the tiredness engulf me!

To be continued...


This is my first smut chapter how'd I do is it good. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this have a  great day love you all and thank you for 1k reads on this story.

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