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Set in the Scorch Trials au
The sounds of soul music blared from inside the club, small crowds of people were standing outside the entrance as she listened to Thomas talking to the man dressed in red. She silently stood next to Brenda who was also listening to their conversation as she briefly felt the blonde lady hover behind them.

Teresa sighed in relief that her friends were safe for now until a yell from the man startled her and saw Thomas staring at a bottle of liquid.

"It's the price of admission." The man spoke, loudly as he lazily gestured back towards the entrance. There was silent tension filling the air as they all stared at the bottle of liquid, suspiciously then glanced at one another.

"Drink it!" He shouted, angrily as he extended the bottle towards them. Brenda snatched the bottle, quickly swallowing and coughed before handing it to her. She hesitantly drank the liquid as her blue eyes instantly watered in reaction and passed the bottle to Thomas.

He slowly swallowed the strange liquid and slightly coughed as he gave the bottle back to the man. Her body shakily swayed, her mind started feeling sluggish as mild dizziness entering her body.

She briefly saw the man grin, pleased before he pushed them through the curtain of the building. The club was dim lighted and blue decor, full of people swaying to the music.

Teresa grabbed Thomas's sleeve, trying to steady herself from falling as he glanced at her. Concern overcame the boy's face as he pushed a loose strand of her soft hair behind her ear and saw her shakily sway.

"You ok, Teresa?" He muttered, softly as he saw her meekly nod in reply. They kept walking further into the crowd, trying to stay close to each other as Brenda silently followed behind them.

Thomas's head pounded, making him feel slightly dizzy as he tried to walk towards his destination. He briefly saw Brenda walking next to him and turned his head, searching for beautiful blue eyes of his favourite person.

Those eyes that always calm and soothe his very being but there was no sign of Teresa standing next to him, making panic fill his body. He desperately looked around for her, quickly spotting a glimpse of her long raven hair and ran in her direction.

Her vision was slightly distorted and the music making her head ache as she absently continued walking forward. A firm hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, making her turn around and staring up at worried brown eyes. He had a adorable frown on his face, causing her to step closer to him as he silently stared back at her.

"Don't wander off, Teresa." He spoke, quietly as his thumb caressed her wrist. She meekly nodded again, her eyes landing on his lips as her mind tried to focus on something, anything.

"You need to relax, Tom...." Teresa whispered, softly as she continued to stare at his lips. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her as they pressed their foreheads together.
"How?" Thomas whispered back, his brown eyes darkened as he saw her bite her soft pink lip. He tugged her closer to him, breathing her in as he gently freed her pink lip from her teeth. She didn't reply.

Teresa's mouth slanted on his, hungrily as she ran her fingers through his brown hair. Thomas moaned, instinctively wrapping his arms around her small waist as he returned her kiss with equal passion. His tongue demanding more of her, drowning in her sweet taste as he deepened the kiss.

She gently tugged his hair, causing him to groan as she pressed her small body into his. The two remained so lost in each other as the outside world became muted and distant.

Unaware, Brenda was searching for them in the crowd until she saw them kissing and averted her gaze. She quickly felt disappointment fill her body, seeing Thomas enjoying himself with Teresa. She glanced back at the pair, only to find them breathing heavily and walked in their direction.

Teresa was finding it hard to breathe, not because of the strange liquid she drank but the boy in front of her. He stared at her dazed with darkened brown eyes, wanting to taste more of her. Their faces slowly shifting closer once again as their lips were now few inches apart.

A loud cough quickly broke their focus, making their heads snap towards Brenda. They quickly let go of each other, breathing heavy and their lips swollen.

Her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment, already missing his warmth as she faintly felt her pulse racing. She suddenly saw Thomas clutch his head in anguish and pain, making her worried as his brown eyes kept flicking everywhere.

Teresa frantically ran to him as she saw him crash to the floor, holding his head painfully. She softly cradled his head on her lap, concerned as she caressed his brown hair.

Newt came running through the back door, spotting the pair of them and kneeled down at the sight of Thomas unconscious.
"Come on, Teresa. Let's go to the others." Newt spoke, quietly as he started lifting Thomas with his arm over his shoulder.

She helped him carry Thomas, making it to the place where her friends and Jorge were as she felt Brenda following behind them. When Thomas wakes up, hopefully he remembers their kiss as she softly glanced at him. She would never forget.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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