Set in the Death Cure au
The sack bag blocked her vision, causing her to see darkness as she quickly was shoved into a chair. Her pulse was racing, finding it hard to breathe as fear spread through her body.Light soon entered her vision, the sack bag removed from her head as she briefly heard mumbling around her. Her blue eyes nervously took in her surroundings and saw familiar brown eyes. Thomas.
They were silently sitting in front of her, intently staring at her as her eyes locked with Thomas. His brown eyes captured hers with such a intensity that she couldn't look away as she breathed shakily. Her blue eyes filled with tears, desperately holding them back as memories of them swirled in her mind. She missed him so much.
A loud cough soon broke Teresa out of her thoughts as she slowly glanced up at Gally, who was frowning at her.
"Long time no see. Now where's Minho held?" Gally spoke, loudly as he stared her with hatred and mistrust.She instantly turned her head back to Thomas, wanting to imprint his face in her mind one last time as she knew she would never see him again.
Thomas stared back at her, his expression unknowingly softening as he saw the glistening tears in her beautiful blue eyes. He knew he should hate her, never want to see her again but he just couldn't do it. It wasn't possible.
"Why are you looking at him? Stop looking at him. Look at me." Gally shouted, snapping his fingers in her face as he stepped closer.
"It's my last chance...." Teresa responded, quietly as she swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat. She clenched her hands, trying to stop her tears as she didn't want to look weak in front of them.Thomas briefly heard the confused mumbling of his friends as they glanced at him and Teresa but his gaze was fixated on her. He silently processed her words, his chest aching at her watery blue eyes before a unnoticeable smile grew on his face. She missed him, just as he missed her.
"Where's Minho held?" Gally asked again, loudly as he crossed his arms across his chest.
"WICKED Sub level." Teresa answered, quietly as she nervously stared at Gally. She avoided Thomas's intense gaze, hoping her tears would stay and not spill if she didn't look at him."Good. We can make that work." Gally spoke, glancing back at Brenda who nodded.
"You can't. You need a special ID, fingerprint." She responded, quickly as her mind raced with horrible possibilities. The thought of Thomas getting caught or hurt by Janson sent shivers down her back."That's why your going to help us. We need you to get us in." Thomas spoke, couching in front of her and staring up at her. He saw her beautiful blue eyes were holding back tears, breathing shakily as she averted her gaze from him. She was trying not to look at him, making Thomas frown.
"No. What if you get caught?" Teresa whispered, softly as she felt him staring at her.
"Look at me, Teresa." He muttered, quietly as he watched her stare at the ground."No." She whispered, feeling the others eyes on her and willed herself to stay strong.
"Look at me." He whispered, softly as he grabbed her chin and turned her to face him with his fingers.Thomas noticed her pink lips trembling as he stared back at tearful blue eyes, trying hard not to spill.
"You need to look at the person when your talking to them." He spoke, unknowingly caressing her chin and felt her lean into his touch. His brown eyes swirled with unknown emotions as he didn't know she still cared about him, her words confirming his thoughts.
"Well we don't really need her. Just cut her finger off. Job done." Gally responded, irritated as he lifted a small knife.
Teresa's body trembled in fear, her gaze on the knife as she heard what Gally said. She retreated backwards in her chair, breathing shakily as she saw him smirk at her fear."Back off. That wasn't part of the plan." Thomas muttered, quietly as he walked up to Gally and narrowed his eyes. He saw Teresa trembling, feeling the ache in his chest again and knew he couldn't let Gally hurt her.
"Why? Better than what they're doing to Minho." Gally responded, angrily as he pointed the knife at her.
"Back off." He spoke, his brown eyes darkened as he took the knife away from Gally. He wouldn't let anyone hurt her."Tommy, why do you care?" Newt asked, annoyed as if he already knew the answer.
Thomas didn't reply, his brown eyes locked onto watery blue eyes as they stared at one another. He saw a leaked tear escaping from her eyes as she glanced away from him. Newt was right, he still cared about her and knew he always would.
Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

Pulling The Heartstrings (Thomesa)
FanfictionOne-Shots of Thomesa. Alternative Short stories of this beautiful couple. Based on the books and movies.