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Set after the Death Cure au
"It must be nice having your own WICKED pet, greenie." Gally spoke, a smirk on his face as he stared at them. He honestly thought it was ridiculous, not banishing Teresa from paradise and letting her stay with the rest of the immunes.

He may have made peace with the gladers but he certainly didn't forgive Teresa, holding some resentment towards her previous actions.

Thomas gritted his teeth, his blood boiling in anger at his words as he felt her stiffen next to him. He breathed in deeply, trying to hold his anger back as his protective instincts rose up in Teresa's defence.

She saved his life, almost sacrificing her own for his in order to keep his heart beating. He felt the guilt vigorously swell up within him, still hating himself as he remembered how he misunderstood her. Teresa just wanted to save innocent people with a cure.

"Watch it, Gally." He spoke, coldly as he glared at him. His jaw clenched, wanting to wipe that smirk right off his face as he silently piled the mapping papers onto the table.

"It's too shucking bad she needs you to defend her now that she can't talk anymore." Gally responded, a smug tone in his voice. He raised his eyebrow, amused as he watched Teresa's hands tightly clenched around her skirt.

His brown eyes darkened, desperately trying to hold his anger back as the paper in his hand was slowly getting crushed. A small hand gently dropped onto his, caressing his knuckles as he gave into her calming touch.

He glanced at the mute girl next to him, noticing her beautiful blue eyes glistening with tears and he knew she was trying to hold them back. Surviving the fire weckage put Teresa in a coma for a while but nothing prepared him from when she woke up and tried to speak, only to get silence.

Thomas would never hear her voice again, the only reassurance he had was that Jeff told him her voice might come back in time. There was no guarantee.

Her angelic face was stained with a hurt expression, knowing these five weeks have been hard for her. He hated it when people got frustrated with her and he knew Teresa was getting frustrated too, causing her to not even bother trying sometimes.

He, Minho, Frypan, Aris were the only ones who now were used to her quiet nature, her facial expressions spoke for her. He loved her rare mesmerising smiles whenever she was alone with him, it was a daily goal of his.

Gally chuckled, noticing Thomas protectively shield Teresa from view as he turned to walk away. The door slammed shut behind him, loving the feeling of provoking the lovestruck pair.

"You ok, Teresa?" Thomas spoke, softly as he felt her trembling against his back. He felt her hand clutching the back of his shirt, his chest ached at the sound of quiet sniffles.

He quickly turned around, watching a leaked tear stream down her angelic face as the sight of her crying pulled on his heart strings. He'd do anything to see that beautiful smile of hers again.

He was so desperate that Thomas suddenly didn't think about the words that escaped his mouth.
"I don't care that you can't talk, Teresa. It won't make me love you any less. Your perfect the way you are...." He whispered, softly as he lovingly cupped her face.

His thumbs gently wiped her tears away, caressing her cheeks as she stared at him in surprise. Disbelief clouded her watery blue eyes, knowing they never talked about their feelings or the kiss ever since she woke up.

Her cheeks flushed red at his confession, feeling herself becoming lost in his brown eyes as she unknowingly moved closer to him. She knew Thomas forgave her and she forgave him but both were hesitant to take the next step in their relationship.

He had been so caring, always patient with her whenever she tried to talk and tried to spend most of his time with her. Other than him going on runs with Minho, she enjoyed her time with Thomas as she listened to him talking about his day or telling her the stuff they found on the runs.

Teresa found herself often thinking about him when she was alone and loved their game of playing hard to get whenever he tried to make her smile. She could tell he loved it too, the mischievous glimmer in his brown eyes said everything.

Thomas felt heat rise onto his cheeks, realising his slip up of his words as he accidentally told her his real feelings. Their eyes locked, burning with passion and love as they stared at each other.

He breathed in shakily, not knowing if she still felt the same way for him and was glad he couldn't hear her about to reject him. At least that's what he thought until the sound of an soft voice floated into his ears.

"I love you too, Tom...." She whispered, softly as a smile small grew on her face. Her heart was pounding faster and faster as her hand lovingly caressed his rough cheek, not realising she just spoke.

It was so quiet that Thomas almost thought he was just imagining it, slowly wrapping his arms around her small waist as his gaze instantly became fixated on her. Disbelief spread through his chest, not believing he just heard her voice. She honestly sounded like an angel, his guardian angel. His forehead pressed against hers in bliss, relishing in her beautiful voice as he breathed in deeply.

"Now that your feeling more talkative, Teresa. I love you...." He muttered, a hint of playfulness in his voice as a fond smile grew on his face. His brown eyes held a soft glimmer, watching her giggle at his words as he brought her closer to him. All they needed was each other.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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