
471 13 2

Set in the Death Cure au
She quietly crawled behind the lab table, avoiding the hatred gaze of Janson as the building rumbled and shook. His loud footsteps echoed in the room, the sound of the beaker crashing onto the floor made him turn as he tightened his grip on his gun.

Her pulse raced in panic, noticing a injured Thomas hidden in the corner as fear spread through her body. Teresa slowly moved behind another lab table, hidden from sight as she moved closer in his direction. She had to protect him.

He silently watched her try to distract Janson, crawling on her knees as he stayed slumped against the lab table in exhaustion. His brown eyes swirled with unknown emotions, noticing the determined look on her angelic face.

Thomas saw her gesture for him to stay quiet with her finger on her pink lips, her beautiful blue eyes glistening with tears as she saw the blood stains on his shirt. His expression unknowingly softened, knowing she was trying to save him.

His blood suddenly ran cold, hearing her whimper in fear and saw her crawl backwards on the floor as Janson began approaching her. He desperately tried lifting himself up, wanting to help her as he hated seeing her hurt.

She slowly stood up, her body trembling in fear as she stared at Janson.
"Where is he?" Janson sneered, his gaze on her as he aimed the gun towards her.
"Just take it. Leave him alone." She spoke, determinedly as she raised the cure in her hand.

"No. I want the lab rat." Janson responded, a sick smirk on his face as he stepped forward.
"You can kill me, beat me, hurt me. Just don't touch him." She shouted, desperate to save Thomas as she held back her tears. There was no life without Thomas, she knew she had to keep him safe.

"What is it with you two? You'd go to that extent for him?" Janson sneered with a slight laugh as he stepped closer.
She meekly nodded, her body still trembling in fear as she willed herself to stay strong. She'd do anything to keep him safe.

Thomas felt dread spread through his chest, silently processing her words as his brown eyes held a terrified look. She was willing to die for him. Waves of guilt slammed into him, hating himself for not understanding as he desperately crawled closer in her direction. To her.

"Thomas! You may have not been able to shoot her but I can.....Say goodbye." Janson shouted, a sick smirk on his face as he stepped towards a frightened Teresa.

"No!" Thomas yelled, angrily as he mustered all his strength and threw a microscope towards him. He couldn't lose her.
Janson quickly ducked, sneering at Thomas as he pointed the gun in his direction.

"You missed." Janson sneered with a slight laugh as he stared at Thomas.
"Did I?" Thomas muttered, quietly as he stared back at him. He watched the cracks forming rapidly in the glass, containing the cranks as their hungry growls and snarls could be heard.

Janson screamed in fear, the cranks quickly climbing over him as they started devouring his skin and flesh. Teresa stood frozen, stunned at what was happening until her mind reminded her of the danger Thomas was in.

She frantically ran to him, her blue eyes flowing with tears as she pulled him into the closet. Her blood stained hand clutched his shirt, hearing the cranks in the room as she trembled besides him.

Thomas silently watched her, his brown eyes held a soft glimmer as he noticed her clinging onto him. He protectively brought her closer, breathing her in as he pressed his forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry...." He muttered in a barely audible voice as he was mesmerised by her tearful beautiful blue eyes.
"I'm sorry too...." She whispered, softly as she caressed his rough cheek.

Lost in each other, their faces shifted closer and closer until their lips were a few inches apart. She slanted her mouth against his, hungrily as she ran her fingers through his brown hair. He moaned, returning the kiss with equal hunger as he drowned in the sweet taste of her pink lips.

His tongue desperately demanded more of her, groaning into her mouth as he pulled her closer. She deepened the kiss, tilting her head as she moaned into his mouth. The two remained so lost in one another until the building rumbled again and they gasped for air.

They were both breathing heavily, their lips swollen as they stared at each other.
"We need to go...." She whispered, breathlessly as she tried to catch her breath.
"I know...." He muttered, slightly panting as he stared at her soft pink lips.

She slowly opened the closet, taking a peek outside as she found the cranks had wandered off. They were safe to escape, a fighting chance to freedom.
"Come on, Tom...." She whispered, softly as she pulled him out of the closet and gently pulled his arm over her shoulder.

He leaned into her, absorbing her warmth as the pain in his bullet wound throbbed.
A soft smile unknowingly grew on his face, watching her drag him to the rooftop. All he cared about now was getting out together.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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