Recovery II

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Set in after the Death Cure au
It was the loud footsteps approaching in her direction that stirred her awake, not realising she fell asleep. The ragged blankets were cocooned around her, barely protecting her from cold wind as holes could be seen in the fabric.

She glanced at the gate, noticing Brenda talking to the girl guard nearby as she stayed still curled up on the ground. The lack of food and water sometimes made her body feel weaker and tired but she always had the energy to see his face again.

Brenda slowly unlocked the gate and noticed Teresa staring at her as coldness entered her eyes. This was the girl Thomas kept asking for, ever since he woke up from his coma.

"Get up. Thomas woke up and he wants to see you." Brenda spoke, coldly as she stared at her. She watched Teresa quickly sit up, happiness and tears sparkling in her blue eyes. It was the first time her blue eyes were vibrant and held some warmth, more used to the girl's empty blue eyes.

Teresa meekly nodded, joy and relief spreading through her chest as her blue eyes glistened with happy tears. She couldn't believe it, he was finally awake. She quickly stood up, desperate to see him as the thought of the boy she loved was awake overcame her tiredness.

She silently followed Brenda in the direction of the Med-Jacks hut and briefly heard the girl guards trailing behind her. The excited mumbling of people could be heard as she saw Frypan exiting the hut with a small smile on his face, probably visiting Thomas.

Thomas felt a lazy happiness spread through his chest, watching his friends talk about their new home. They were finally free and away from the grasps of WICKED. He straightened himself up on the bed, hearing them talk about their new huts they built.

The ocean on the beach instantly reminded him of her beautiful blue eyes, not realising he wasn't paying attention to the conversation anymore as his mind wandered somewhere else someone else.

His heart was racing, wanting to see her again as he remembered Brenda went to go get Teresa for him. He glanced at the door, feeling disappointed when he saw another person working in the Med-Jacks hut.

He still remembered the feeling of her softly cradling his head with worried blue eyes and the specks of ashes in her dark raven hair, making him want to touch it's softness.

The mumbling surrounding him suddenly turned silent, causing him to glance at the door again as he froze at the sight of her. Teresa. There was only one word to describe her, beautiful. Her blue eyes sparkled with delight and adoration as they met his, slowly walking towards him.

Thomas watched her quickly walk faster, a small angelic smile grew on her face as she sat on the bed. He briefly heard Minho and the others leaving, not being able to take his eyes off her.

"We have to stop meeting like this, Tom...."
Teresa spoke with a slight laugh as she stared at him. Her heart felt lighter at the mere sight of him, feeling happy tears glistening in her blue eyes.
He chuckled at her words, tears filling his brown eyes as he gently grabbed her hand. The feeling of her soft hand enclosed in his soothed him.

His brown eyes held a soft glimmer, caressing her knuckles with his thumb before he tugged her closer to him. The longing and desperate need to hold her in his arms quickly engulfed his very being.

She felt the same way, the same longing as she flung herself into his strong arms and desperately clung to his chest.
"I was so worried...." She whispered in a broken voice as she burrowed into his warmth.

He breathed in shakily before wrapping his arms around her small waist and buried his face into her soft raven hair. The two stayed wrapped up in each other's arms, for a while as the outside world became forgotten.

"I thought I lost you...." Thomas muttered in a barely audible voice, his face still buried in her hair as he gently lifted her onto his lap. He didn't want any distance between them, wanting her close as possible to him.

"I'm sorry...." She whispered, softly as her hand clutched his shirt and buried her face into his chest. His warmth was so addicting. He didn't reply as he protectively tightened his hold on her small waist.

Their eyes locked, burning with love and forgiveness as they unwillingly gave everything away. No more needed to be said. They pressed their foreheads together in bliss, breathing in each other's presence.The two remained so lost in one another, drowning in their shared warmth that they didn't notice the pairs of eyes watching them.

"This is going to be a problem." Brenda whispered, coldly as she stood next to Minho near the door. She stared at the sight of Thomas and Teresa cuddling in each other's arms, their eyes closed in bliss.

"The shank won't let her go." Minho responded, quietly as he noticed the protective way Thomas was holding Teresa in his arms. He crossed his arms across his chest, knowing eventually Thomas would soon find out about everything.

Minho knew Thomas's temper, the incredible anger that would take over and control his actions. He sighed, it was something he would have to be prepared for.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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