Chapter 2

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To Lauren's surprise, the day was passing by pretty quickly and after her first 3 classes she was off to her lunch period. Lauren hated this lunch period because not one of the girls had it. Lauren went and got her lunch and sat on the end of her usual table, alone. While she was eating she noticed the new kid in the line to get lunch. What was his name again? Lauren wondered to herself as she took another spoonful of rice to her mouth.

When she looked up again she noticed him looking around for a table to sit at and he stopped and looked at her and the empty seat in front of her. She looked down immediately and didn't look back up again. Lauren then felt the presence of someone next to her and she peeked up through her eyelashes. It was the new kid. Damn it, why couldn't she remember his name.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked in a British accent.

"Go for it." Lauren replied shocked that he was now even more attractive with that accent.

He sat down and there was an awkward silence for a good five minutes while they both ate.
"This foods amazing." noted the new kid.

"Eh, homemade Cuban food is much better." debated Lauren.

"I wouldn't know" he chuckled. I'm not Hispanic."

"I got that with the accent" stated Lauren. "You'll be considered quite the gringo down here in Miami".

"A what??" He responded perplexed.

Lauren laughed, "it's what we call people who aren't Hispanic. Usually Americans but I think it applies to the Brits as well."

"So in a way, you're making fun of me?" questioned the new kid.

"No! No, sorry if you took it that way. I would never. I don't even know you. I think you were in my homeroom this morning, couldn't quite catch what Mr. Diaz said your name was though" says Lauren.

"It's Zayn, Zayn Malik. And you are..?" He says while stretching out his hand to shake Lauren's.

"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui" she reciprocates while shaking Zayn's hand.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl, it's nice to meet you" says Zayn.

Lauren feels her face blush an unholy shade of red, "thanks" she says in a small voice. After a minute or two of more silence and eating Lauren looks up and sees Zayn staring at his schedule with a confused expression.

"Having trouble figuring out where your next class is?" asks Lauren. Zayn nods.

"Let me see your schedule" offers Lauren.

"Ooo planning on stalking me?" Zayn's says with a smile. It took Lauren a while to form a reply, she was frozen. Zayn's smile was so stunning..a gift sent from God in all honestly. Lauren had a thing for smiles, it's one of the first things she always notices in a person and she had no idea how she hadn't noticed his till now. Lauren finally realized she'd been silent too long when she saw Zayn's smile become serious.

"Uhm no I-I just wanted to see what you have next, you're new. Maybe I could help you get around." Lauren stuttered.

Zayn handed Lauren his schedule and she saw that they had four out of their seven classes together, including the period that they were headed to right after lunch.

"So, we actually have four classes together. Two of them, math and psychology land on today. The other two, English and P.E. are tomorrow. We have block scheduling, it's a little confusing at first but you'll get used to it. Today is period 1 which we have everyday, 2, 4, and 6. And homeroom of course which is before first period" Lauren explained while pointing at Zayn's schedule. She felt eyes on her face as she spoke and looked up and saw Zayn shifting his eyes back and forth between her eyes and lips. Lauren felt uncomfortable and cleared her throat causinig him to look away.

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