Chapter 39

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*time hop to Jan. 5th*

"I can't believe we've been together for two years," Zayn smiled at Lauren as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

"I can't believe I still find new ways to fall in love with you everyday," Lauren whispered and Zayn moved his lips on to Lauren's. They began to kiss passionately as they laid in bed after a long day of celebrating their second anniversary. Lauren moved her leg from where it was tangled in between Zayn's and moved it over his hip to get on him. Lauren moved her hands up to Zayn's hair as she rested her body against his; feeling him tug on her lower lip as she moved her mouth away from his. She connected her swollen lips to his neck and bit gently before soothing the area with her tongue.

Suddenly she heard her phone start ringing on her night stand but she really didn't want to stop what she was doing.

"Babe.." Zayn spoke beneath Lauren but she ignored him. "Babe, your phone," Zayn said reaching for Lauren's face.

"Leave it," Lauren mumbled against his neck.

"It's late, who would call at this time. It's probably important," Zayn pointed out and Lauren couldn't believe he actually cared about a phone call in that moment, though he was right.

"Ugh, fine. Party pooper," Lauren groaned as she rolled off of Zayn and reached for her phone off of the night stand without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" Lauren spoke into the phone.

"Lauren, it's Harry. Mila is in labor!" she heard the British boy speak and she sat up quickly.

"What!? She's early, where are you guys," Lauren asked and she saw Zayn sit up.

"I know, we just got to Memorial Hospital, I just wanted to let you guys know but I have to go, I had no idea Mila was this strong, she's about to snap my fingers," Harry responded.

Lauren chuckled as she felt excitement building within her.

"Oh my god, okay, we'll see you guys soon!" Lauren responded before hanging up the phone.

"What's going on?" Zayn looked at Lauren as she got off the bed and changed into a pair of jeans and a band t-shirt.

"Camz is in labor," Lauren said giddily.

"Oh shit! Guess little man couldn't wait anymore," Zayn said as he stood up and changed as well. Zeus moving around them as he looked at them in confusion.

"We have to go Zeusy, you behave," Lauren placed a kiss on his snout before heading towards the door with Zayn.


"Oh my god, this kid better worship me after all this," Camila winced and squeezed Lauren's hand as another wave of contractions passed through her.

"You're doing awesome monkey," Lauren smiled at her, squeezing Camila's hand back.

"Where's my mom," Camila groaned and Lauren looked over at Harry who was rather pale. He probably hadn't been ready for the actual birthing process even though Camila was almost full term.

"I-I thought Lauren would call them," Harry said barely audible over the heart rate monitor that was tracking Aiden's rhythm.

"What!? You haven't called my parents!? Are you insane, I think I'm going to kill you," Camila shot her head up to look at Harry.

"Okay, okay relax, there will be no killing," Lauren pushed her back down against the bed. "I'll go call them, I'm gonna see where Zayn went off to anyways. Can you handle her?" Lauren asked Harry and he nodded.

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