Chapter 24

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*2 days later*

"Knock knock," Lauren heard from outside her door as someone knocked lightly. She turned around and saw her mother entering her room.

"Hey," Lauren smiled as she turned her desk chair around, "what's up?"

"Nothing, I was just coming to check on you. You've been working on that paper all day, aren't you hungry? We just finished lunch, I saved you some spaghetti," Clara mentioned as she made her way over by Lauren.

"Oh thanks Mami, I'm not really hungry though. I just want to get this finished before Zayn's game tonight," Lauren explained as she looked over at the final paper she had to write for her ethics class before winter break.

"You need to eat mamita, I can bring it up for you," Clara suggested.

"Okay, that's fine," Lauren agreed to please her mother.

"I'll be back," Clara smiled before exiting Lauren's room.

Lauren turned back towards her laptop and saw her phone light up next to it; she had put it on silent so she wouldn't get distracted. She saw she had a few texts; one from Zayn, one from Luke, and a couple from the girls. Lauren decided to reply as she waited for her mom to bring up the food.

'Baby 🙊💙: sorry to bug you love, do you remember seeing my slider shorts that I wear under the regular uniform shorts anywhere?'

'Fuck,' Lauren thought to herself when she noticed Zayn had sent that to her over an hour ago, it was kind of important. Today was the first game of the season and Zayn was a starting striker. He was the only freshman who had made the starting lineup and Lauren was so nervous and excited to see him play.

Lauren racked her brain trying to remember if she had seen them. A few moments later, a light bulb went off in her head.

'Lauren: I'm so so so sorry, I had my phone on silent 😓 I remember I washed them at the beginning of the week and I folded some of the clothes but never finished, they might still be in the white basket on top of the dryer. All that clothes is clean.'

'Baby 🙊💙: it's okay princess, I'm gonna go check there now. How's the paper coming along?'

'Lauren: it's annoying but I'm almost done, I've been working on it since I woke up at 7 and I'm taking a little break now cause my mom wants me to eat, I haven't taken a break all day. I want to get it over with already 😒'

'Baby 🙊💙: you're crazy, you need to eat'

'And also, I just found them where you said they were. Thank you 😘'

'Lauren: I'm going to relaaaax. & yay okay! I'm glad.'

'Baby 🙊💙: you better 😠'

'I have to start heading to the field in like 20 minutes. Bunch of pre-game stuff and then warm ups and all that. I need to start getting ready'

'Lauren: aw okay 😕 are you nervous'

'Baby🙊💙: yeah I am, but I'm glad you'll be there so I can look over at you and know I'll be okay'

'Lauren: God you're adorable, I fucking love you too much. If it makes you feel any better I'm kinda nervous too, but I think it's excited nerves. I'm ready to be you're #1 fan ❤️❤️'

'Baby🙊💙: I can sign your boobs if you'd like'

'Lauren: and there it is 😂'

'I wouldn't think you're my Zayn if you said anything else though and I love you for that'

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