Chapter 30

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"Lauren, you're freaking me out," Zayn stated and Lauren tried her best to speak.

"I-I...I think..I think..."

"You think what?" Zayn urged.

"I think...I might be....pregnant."


"What..what do you mean. H-how do you get that from just throwing up, you can't be," Zayn shook his head.

"Yes Zayn, think about it. It's not just that, I haven't had my period since before the banquet. Almost two weeks before. I've been stressed out with the end of the semester so I haven't even realized that I'm super late," Lauren sighed and bit her bottom lip nervously.

"But you were on the pill.." Zayn sat on the bathroom floor across from Lauren.

"No..remember I hadn't been taking it for like a week cause I was busy and I was going to go to the doctor the week after the banquet to get them. But then the night of the banquet we-"

"Fuck," Zayn brought his hand to his forehead as he took in the information.

"Yeah..and when you get off the pill that initial time period right after, your chances of getting pregnant are way higher," Lauren added and Zayn was shaking his head and she knew he was already blaming himself. "Zayn, we were both drunk, this isn't your fault."

"I shouldn't have-" Zayn began but Lauren cut him off.

"Don't. This is on both of us, you understand me?" Lauren pulled Zayn's face up to look at her from where he was on the floor.

Zayn nodded slightly, "What do we do?"

"Well..I should probably take a couple tests to make sure, I can't just assume it," Lauren stood up and Zayn followed her.

"Have you been taking the pill all these weeks? Isn't that bad if you're pregnant?" Zayn asked as they walked back into the room. Zeus was jumping at Lauren's legs and she picked up the puppy that had grown significantly over the past few weeks.

"I have been taking it but I'm not sure. I'll stop though, just in case," Lauren placed Zeus down on the bed and started grabbing some clothes to get ready to go buy something she never imagined she would have to buy at this age.


Lauren looked at the six different pregnancy tests that laid on her bathroom counter, waiting for the results.

Zayn was sitting on the edge of the bathtub bouncing his leg nervously. The two of them had talked about kids but it was always something for the distant future. Neither of them ever imagined they'd be in this position.

The markings began to appear on the sticks and Lauren felt a couple tears spill, she silently began to cry as she had her back towards Zayn. As much as she tried to hold it she let out a breath that gave her away and Zayn's was instantly standing next to her with a hand on her back.

"Why are you crying," Zayn wiped tears away from Lauren's eyes but his hands couldn't keep up with the flow.

"They're all positive. I'm not ready for this Zayn, I'm scared," Lauren cried and Zayn pulled her against his body, hugging her tightly. Zayn rubbed Lauren's back and stroked her hair gently as he placed kisses on her temple, allowing her to cry against him.

A few moments later Lauren pulled herself back, wiped her face and let out a deep breath.

"Listen, neither of us is ready for this Laur but you're not going to be alone in this. I'm here, alright? And look there are options-"

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