Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV

"I don't think I can do this babe," Lauren stated as she and Zayn started walking to the spot they discussed with Brad to meet and talk after school.

Zayn stopped walking and turned to Lauren. He could tell that she was visibly tense. She had that little crease she got in her forehead whenever she worried about something and he knew she was nervous about possibly having to come forward and expose what had been going on between her and Brad to some figure of authority.

"Look at me," Zayn said placing his hands on either side of Lauren's face, "you don't have to be scared. I'm going to be right by your side the whole time."

"I don't even think you should be there, last-" Lauren started to say but Zayn interrupted.

"I told you I was going to be better about my anger with him for you, I'm not going to do anything stupid. I could care less about him, I'm there for you, to support you," Zayn stated as he rubbed small circles on Lauren's skin with his thumbs.

Lauren closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, "okay, but if he has anything, I don't want you to see it," Lauren stated.

"That's fine," Zayn said bringing his hands down and intertwining his fingers with Lauren's. They started walking again and Zayn noticed Lauren constantly running her hand through her hair and flipping it to the side, something she usually did when she was thinking about something too much.

"What is it Laur," Zayn asked looking over at Lauren as they walked.

"God, can you stop knowing me," Lauren sighed. Zayn smirked at her waiting for her answer.

"I just don't want my parents to find if it gets to the point I have to report him, I don't want them to know any of this happened. They know I was with him, they met him like once but I always covered everything up, they never saw anything bad relating to him," Lauren explained.

"Why don't you want them to know, they can help protect you, it's not your fault he abused you," Zayn stated making Lauren cringe at the word.

"Except it is because I decided to get involved with him. I decided to have sex with him and that gave him power over me and it all spiraled downward. My parents don't know that I've had sex, they're super hispanic and that's just a big no-no for them. They trust me right now, they let me go out till what ever time as long as I let them know where I am and who I'm with, they let me go places alone with you; that's so rare in hispanic households, there are some strict ones out there. If they found out about this they'll lose their trust in me and I don't want that. I'm happy with my life right now, I can't have it ruined because of this fuck boy," Lauren explained everything to Zayn fully.

"Hm, well let's hope he isn't as stupid as he makes himself out to be and gives you whatever he has rather than get in trouble with the school and possibly the police," Zayn said as they arrived to the small table underneath one of the schools large oak trees.

They both sat down and Lauren placed one of her legs on Zayn's, bringing herself closer to him to rest her head on his shoulder. Zayn placed a hand on Lauren's thigh and she placed hers on top of it.

"There he is," Zayn said and Lauren lifted her head off his shoulder to look. She grabbed the hand Zayn had on her thigh, intertwining their fingers and squeezing his hand tightly as Brad approached them.

"Well, if it isn't the love birds," Brad sneered.

"Brad, sit down. I just want to get this over with," Lauren said flatly.

"Oh, bossy now are we? Kind of a turn on. Wish you were like that when I would-"

"Enough Brad, shut up," Lauren interrupted Brad mid sentence. "Let me ask you a question, what has made you treat me like this, honestly tell me," Lauren continued as Brad sat down, "is it just me you treat like this or is it everyone or is it all girls or what, what is it because I find it impossible that someone could be so fucked up."

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