Chapter 7

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After going back inside the girls and Zayn all watched a couple movies in Camila's living room before Lauren noticed it was already 9:30. They were in the middle of watching 'Pulp Fiction' when Lauren leaned over to Zayn and whispered in his ear, "I'm leaving in like 15 minutes."

Zayn nodded and placed a kiss on the back of Lauren's hand that he held.

Once the time had passed Lauren got up and announced to the girls she was leaving, as they were all entertained with the movie they just murmured yeahs and waved her off. Zayn got up with Lauren and announced the same.

They made their way to the door and Lauren stopped Zayn before he could open it.

"What's wrong?" Zayn questioned.

"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you goodbye before we got outside. My parents window looks over to Camila's driveway so this is just in case they see us. I don't want them to bug you just yet," Lauren explained.

Zayn laughed and bent slightly to place a kiss on Lauren's lips. His laugh causing her to smile into the kiss. Zayn pulled back and rubbed Lauren's cheek with his thumb before opening the door. As they made their way outside Lauren checked to see if her parents room had the curtain open. It did, but there was no sign of them so she held Zayn's hand as they walked to his car. He got in and opened the window to talk to Lauren who was still standing outside of the car.

"So this Friday, am I going to be avoiding your parents or will I meet them?" Zayn asked Lauren.

"I don't know, I'll base it off of their mood that day. Oh and Z?" Lauren questioned.

"Yes love," Zayn answered

"One more quick kiss before you leave?" Lauren said pushing out her bottom lip into a pout.

Zayn chuckled, "Don't do that, come here," he said leaning out the window as Lauren met him halfway. The kiss was short and sweet, Lauren stepped back and had a smile on her face.

"See you tomorrow at school," she said as she waved.

Lauren made her way back to her house and announced she was home. As she made her way to her room she noticed her light was on. When she opened the door she saw Taylor sitting on her bed.

"Tay? Are you okay?" Lauren asked concerned when she saw a couple tears on her younger sisters cheek.

"Remember I was talking to that guy, Ryan," Taylor said sniffling.

"Yes, did he do something to you?" Lauren asked upset, thinking about the fact that her sister is only a year younger than Lauren was when she got into her messy 'relationship' with Brad.

"He said he wanted to stop talking," Taylor said as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Lauren sat down next to her on the bed and wiped her tear away, "Tay you're so young, there'll be so many other chances for you. You'll find someone who will make you forget about this guy completely."

"Is that how you feel about that guy you were just with?" questioned Taylor.

"What?" Lauren said shocked.

"I was getting something from Mom and Dad's room and I saw you with some guy in Mila's driveway," Taylor explained.

Lauren blushed, "What did you see Tay?"

"I saw you guys holding hands and I saw him kiss you. Is he your new boyfriend, is he helping you forget about Brad?" questioned Taylor.

Lauren sighed, "How do you even remember Brad. You met him once and you were like 10."

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