Chapter 5 (part 1)

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As Lauren and Zayn pulled up to the road Nela's house was on they saw at least 50 cars lined up in front and down the road.

"Wow, this really is a huge party," Zayn said releasing Lauren's hand to grab the steering wheel and park in a tight spot.

"Uh Z, I don't think I can get out through here. It's too close, I don't wanna scratch your car," Lauren said peeping out the window to determine her exit route from Zayn's car.

"Do you think you can climb out my side or do you want to climb to the back and have me open the trunk for you?"

Lauren eyed Zayn's side, "With my luck I'll probably scratch up that side too. I guess just open the trunk for me."

"Okay, I'll lay the seats down to make it easier for you," Zayn said while slipping out the driver door.

As Zayn prepared an exit for Lauren she realized that climbing out of this car with her dress open on one side might be a little revealing. She felt her face get hot as she thought about Zayn possibly seeing anything. Lauren felt a little insane because of the feelings she felt for Zayn after only a week. She felt herself relate too many situations to him and even though he didn't deny her the hand holding, what if that was just to not make her feel bad or awkward about the situation?

"Laur, you think you can make it like this?" She heard Zayn say pulling her away from her thoughts. She eyed the exit and nodded, "Yeah I think so, just hold this for me," she said handing Zayn her clutch.

Lauren began making her way out and thankfully nothing showed from underneath her dress. Once she hopped out of the trunk, Zayn handed her the clutch and added, "Very well done," with a smirk that sent Lauren on a trip to the stars.

"Shall we?" Zayn said gesturing for Lauren to walk in front of him. Lauren simply nodded and began to walk. Suddenly, she felt Zayn's hand on the small of her back as they approached Nela's house. Lauren tried her best to keep the smile that crept on her face hidden but her blushing was uncontrollable. As they approached the door they could hear the loud music playing within the house.

"I think it would be pretty pointless to knock," laughed Lauren.

"Agreed," Zayn said with a smile.

Lauren reached for the door knob and as she expected, the door was open. As they walked into the house the potent smell of weed was in the air. There were groups of people gathered in every corner of the house and all along the stairs. The party had only started about an hour and a half ago, Lauren couldn't even imagine how it would get later on. As they entered the living room, Lauren spotted Camila dancing with her ex-boyfriend, Austin, and Lauren figured she must've been drunk out of her mind already.

"Shit, can you give me a second. Just stay right here, I don't wanna lose you but I need to talk to Camila really quickly."

"Sure, you okay? You need any help?" questioned Zayn.

"I don't think so, but keep an eye open just in case."

Zayn nodded and Lauren made her way over to Camila.

"Camz, what are you doing?" Lauren asked getting her attention off of Austin.

"Oh my god Lauren you're finally here!!" Camila said throwing her arms around Lauren sloppily, confirming Lauren's thoughts on Camila's state of mind.

"Why are you dancing with him, where are the girls, they shouldn't have let you," Lauren said with a little anger.

"Oh come on Lauren, don't be like that, I'm not that bad," Austin replied.

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