Chapter 6

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Lauren woke up to the sound of her phones ringtone going off on the nightstand beside her bed. She lazily reached over to check the caller ID and time. It was 12:30 in the afternoon and her phone read 'Pink Princess 💕' indicating that Camila was calling; Lauren slid her finger over the bottom of her iPhone to pick up the call.

"Hello?" Lauren answered in a raspy voice from just waking up.

"Lo, did I wake you up?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, but that's okay, it's already 12:30. What's up?" Lauren replied after clearing her throat.

"How are you, like after everything last night, are you okay?" Camila asked with obvious concern in her voice.

"You remember what happened? I thought you would've been too drunk to remember." Lauren said.

"I don't remember a lot from before your little incident with that asshole but I do remember what happened in Nela's room. I was sobering up thank you very much." Camila said.

Lauren giggled a bit, "I'm okay Camz, thank you for calling to ask. Did you all get home safe?"

"Yeah, Masi brought me home and Dinah and Normani stayed over, Ally got dropped off by Troy at her place but she's here now. We were wondering if you would come over," Camila explained.

"Sure, give me like an hour. I'll be there," answered Lauren.

"Okay, see you then," Camila said before hanging up.

Lauren looked at her phone after ending the call with Camila and saw she had a text from Zayn.

'Zayn: hope I didn't freak you out with what happened when I dropped you off last night, still wanna talk about everything with you. hope you slept well, talk to you soon, xo'

Lauren smiled remembering how it felt to have his lips pressed against hers.

'Lauren: if I'm freaked out about anything it's about how much I enjoyed that kiss. I wasn't kidding when I said it made the night better. I'm going to Mila's house in a little while, I just woke up to a call from her. All the girls are there so we'll probably hang out for a bit. I'll keep you updated, maybe I can see you after and we can talk. Oh and I slept wonderfully, I think that was thanks to you'

Lauren hit send and got up from her bed and turned on her speaker and heard her favorite female band 'Haim' playing as she started to get her things ready to shower. She then heard her phone receive a text and checked it as it was most likely Zayn replying.

'Zayn: 🙊 feel like a proper child with the way you just made me blush. Don't worry if we can't meet up today, have fun with the girls'

'Lauren: that's my favorite emoji ❤️ I'll keep you updated, talk to you soon'

'Zayn: okay love'

Lauren smiled and locked her phone grabbing it and her speaker as she took them to the shower along with her things.

Once Lauren finished showering she got dressed in her white 1975 tshirt and some jeans, she put a little mascara in case she did end up seeing Zayn later and made her way down stairs to the kitchen. Her parents were sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Good morning sleepyhead," her mom called out to her.

"Morning mami, morning papi," she called to them while grabbing a water bottle.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" Her dad asked.

Lauren made her way over to them, "No that's okay, I'm going to titi Sinu's house. The girls are all there, I'll eat something over there."

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