Chapter 25

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*2 weeks later*

Lauren walked out of her last final of her first semester of college and sat down on a bench near by; taking in a deep breathe after the extremely stressful week she'd just had came to an end. She pulled out her phone from her backpack and saw she had a message from Zayn.

'Baby 🙊💙: hey I just got some good news and I want to share it with you but I want to see you and this gives me an excuse to, I miss you. I haven't seen you all week 😣 come by once you finish your test? I wanna show you something too'

'Lauren: hi babylove, I just got out of my last test. I know, I miss you too but now we have a break from school yay ❤️ I'll come by now! How's your ankle feeling today?'

'Baby 🙊💙: it's good babe, I've been walking around without the crutches today and I put on a brace. It's just sore mostly, but much better than it was two weeks ago.'

'I hope the test went well btw, knowing what a little smarty pants you are I'm sure you did amazing. I won't be surprised if you get the highest grade.'

'I'll be waiting for you ❤️'

'Lauren: yayyy ❤️ I'm glad amorsito. My test went pretty well but I think you're giving me more credit than I deserve 😂 see you in 10 minutes love'


Lauren stepped out of the elevator and made her way towards Zayn's apartment, gently spinning her key ring around her index finger as she hummed. Once she approached the door she grabbed the copy of they key Zayn had made her and unlocked they door.

"What the-babe?" Lauren questioned when she walked in and saw rose petals and candles all over the apartment but Zayn nowhere in sight. She set down her bag and keys on the couch and noticed the table was set. There was a white table cloth over it that had rose petals scattered all around it as well, a set of mix matching plates and utensils in front of each of their seats and a very pretty candelabra in the center that Lauren had never seen before.

"Baaabe, where are you?" Lauren called as she walked towards the kitchen and saw several pots on the stove. Zayn had never cooked for Lauren, she immediately smiled at the fact that he probably had.

"Don't get scared, I'm right behind you," Lauren heard Zayn say quickly but she still jumped.

"I told you I was there," Zayn chuckled as Lauren turned around.

" is my boyfriend and what have you done to him..." Lauren said with her mouth agape as she saw Zayn. His hair was shaven down to a buzz cut and he had a stud in his nose that resembled Lauren's. Zayn had a wide grin on his face causing his eyes to crinkle; Lauren noticing the bruising around his eye was much better.

"What do you think?" Zayn questioned.

"You look different..but still amazingly attractive," Lauren chuckled, "how is it possible that you can pull pretty much anything off?"

"We have that in common," Zayn smiled as he brought his hands from behind his back, "these are for you," Zayn mentioned as he handed Lauren a bouquet of white and purple irises.

"Thank you babe, they're gorgeous," Lauren smiled as she took the flowers from Zayn's hand and moved closer to him to give him a kiss. Lauren's heart skipped when Zayn held her still, keeping their lips together after she was starting to pull back. The feeling his kisses gave her was something Lauren knew she would never get over, and she was so glad because it was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Even the most innocent kisses like the one they'd just shared elevated Lauren's pulse.

"I missed you," Zayn breathed once he's broken the kiss, placing his forehead against Lauren's.

"I can had to go and copy me and get a nose piercing cause you missed me so much," Lauren teased and Zayn laughed before connecting their lips briefly. "For the record though, I really missed you too."

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