Chapter 36

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Lauren's POV

"She says to give her a few minutes that she's seeing her last patient of the day and then she'll call us right back but she just wanted to let us know that she got the results," Zayn added and Lauren nodded.

Lauren had been anxious to hear the results of the autopsy for the past two days but now that the time had come she was nervous that she may not even get an answer.

"Come on Lo, remember," Camila picked up the key that hung around Lauren's neck. Lauren nodded and Camila held out her hand for Lauren to help her get off the bed. Zeus followed them out of the room and when they made it to the living room Lauren noticed her mom was here too.

Clara stood up from the couch and gave Lauren a hug.

"I didn't know you were here," Lauren mumbled as her mom held her tightly.

"I came to drop Zeus off and I decided to bring Kaki too," Clara explained as she pulled back from the hug. When she heard the nickname Kaki she instantly thought of the little girl who had come up with it as a baby, Sofi.

"Oh my god..has anyone told Sofi..?" Lauren asked sadly.

"Yes, she knows," Clara frowned.

"Is she okay? She's so little to have to understand all of this..and she was so excited about it all," Lauren shook her head, looking down at the floor before sitting on the couch.

"She was really sad at first but she's such a mature and smart little girl, she reminds me a lot of you," Camila reached into her back pocket once more and pulled out a paper that was folded up. "She told me to give this to you whenever I saw you."

Lauren took the paper from Camila's hand and opened it up. Inside she saw a picture drawn that brought tears to her eyes almost instantly. There were two girls drawn standing in some grass, Lauren assumed one of them was Sofi and one was herself. They were both looking up and they had smiles on. At the top of the paper were a thick layer of clouds and on top of the clouds was a baby that had a halo around its head, drawn in a bassinet. Lauren wiped at her eyes and looked at the sloppy writing that was next to the drawing, reading it out loud.

'Hi Lalo,

First of all I would like to say that I am very sorry Diana had to go to heaven. Second of all I would like to say that Kaki is helping me write this because I want it to be very nice for you.

I really was sad to know that Diana had to go to heaven so early because I wanted to meet her but Mami and Titi Clara said that she was probably sick and that's why she had to go. But I started to think about it Lalo and I remembered what pastor George said about what happens when someone that we loved a lot goes to heaven. He said that they watch over us from heaven and they love us from there and make sure we are okay. So even though Diana was only a little baby I know she is looking at me and I did not want to be sad while she was looking at me, I didn't want her to worry that I was not okay. So that is why I drew the picture of us smiling at her in heaven. Because even though our hearts are sad that she's gone, we have to show her that we will be okay and that we still love her so she is not sad in heaven.

I love you very much Lalo, you are like one more big sister to me. I do not like to see you sad so that is why I asked Kaki to give this to you instead of me. But you have to know I love you and I love Diana too, she knows because I have been telling her every night before I go to sleep.

She will be okay up there, Lalo.

Sofia Cabello, butterfly queen 1'

Lauren wiped her eyes and looked up to see Camila and her mom both doing the same. Zayn had come to sit next to her and was rubbing her back gently.

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