Chapter 22

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"What's the matter?" Lauren questioned.

"Nothing, it was your mom, I told her you were here but uhm....who the hell is Luke?"


"He's a classmate, our professor wanted us to talk to someone new and swap info in case we ever needed help," Lauren answered honestly; she had nothing to hide.

"Why didn't you mention you made a friend earlier?" Zayn questioned and Lauren couldn't really read the tone he asked the question in.

"I don't know..I didn't really think it was super important at the time. And he isn't even really my friend yet we only-"

"Yet? So you want to be his friend?" Zayn interrupted Lauren.

"I mean I guess, I don't see why not. He was nice and-" Lauren stopped again as Zayn chuckled while she was trying to speak. "What's funny?"

"Nothing," Zayn stated flatly before setting her phone down on the counter again. "Do you, Lauren." Zayn walked away to his room and Lauren heard the door forcefully close.

"What the fuck," Lauren whispered to herself. She had to finish cooking this last steak before she could go and figure out what Zayn's deal was with her wanting to be friends with Luke.

Lauren finished cooking and made sure everything was turned off before taking the food to the table and placing it in the center. She made her way to Zayn's room but when she tried to open the door it was locked.

"Really, Zayn? Come on, open the door," Lauren stated annoyed as she knocked on the door. A few moments later Zayn still hadn't opened it so Lauren knocked again and continued to until he opened the door.

"What," Zayn said flatly as he opened the door.

"Why did you just walk away and lock yourself in here? If something is bothering you; say it," Lauren responded.

"Seems kind of hypocritical coming from someone who shuts down completely when they're upset," Zayn expressed harshly.

"Maybe you're right, but you know I'm like that and I've explained to you why I am and in the end I always end up explaining whatever it is to you so I don't know why you had to say that," Lauren voiced while staring at Zayn intently. "You've never been someone to shut themselves down when something is wrong; you're always one to want to talk about whatever is bugging either of us and that's been shaping me to do the same so I'm sorry that my reaction is to try and get you to explain what's wrong."

"I really don't want to talk about this right now," Zayn sighed and looked down in between the space that divided the two of them from the inside and outside of his room.

"Why is this bothering you so much?" Lauren questioned as she moved a bit closer to Zayn but he immediately took a step back, keeping the distance between them.

"I always respect your decision when you don't want to talk about something at the moment Lauren, why can't you do the same," Zayn responded looking at Lauren again.

"Okay, I'm sorry...dinners ready if you want to eat," Lauren uttered in a small voice.

Zayn walked out of the room and right passed her without another word and Lauren felt a pang of remorse in her chest for all that was happening. She should've just told Zayn about Luke earlier and not had him find out the way he did; making the situation seem completely different from what it actually was.

Lauren walked over to Harry's door and knocked on it lightly. A few seconds later Camila opened it quickly, displaying her sloppy hair and clothing.

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