Chapter 21

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Zayn's POV
*3 days later*

Zayn groaned as his alarm went off, turning over and grabbing his phone to shut it off. It was the first day of the semester which also entailed an early morning work out with the soccer team. It was 5 am and the team was meeting at the field at 5:30; thankfully the flat he and Harry shared was right down the road from the university so they didn't have to wake up too early but Zayn knew it would take Harry forever to wake up on the first day so he set the alarm a bit earlier than he'd like. As Zayn grabbed his phone to shut off the alarm he smiled softly at the wallpaper of his girlfriend from the weekend they'd just spent together. He opened up the messages app on his phone and clicked on their conversation to send Lauren a message though he knew she'd be sleeping for a couple more hours.

'Zayn: I wish I could wake up next to you every morning'

'I miss you'

Zayn stood up to go make sure Harry was up; his friendship with Harry had turned into practically the same one Lauren had with Camila and Zayn always found it funny, Harry and Camila were the same person in different bodies.

Zayn felt his phone vibrate in his hand and he looked down at it to see he had a message from Lauren.

'Loml 🙊💕✨: we were literally together 5 hours ago babe lol'

'Zayn: what the hell are you doing awake!?'

'& I don't care..I still miss you, especially after this weekend 😏'

'Loml 🙊💕✨: Idk..I couldn't sleep, why do you care, you not my dad lol 😂 no but really I think I'm just excited for our first day of college 🎉'

'You're really cute, ily. I'm sleeping over today though remember! and I'm gonna see you later on for lunch and for our afternoon class so don't even bother missing me 😚'

'Zayn: oh don't with the daddy stuff, I think we discovered that isn't for us over the weekend lmao but I know, I can't wait ❤️ & are you actually excited for the first day of classes!? You're honestly such a nerd, you deserve that scholarship plus a hundred more'

'Loml 🙊💕✨: I know it was weird 😂 idk how Mila does it'

'I like learning, leave me alone 😒 plus if the reason I got my scholarship makes me a nerd then the reason you got yours makes you a jock and that would make our relationship socially unacceptable'

'Zayn: that's not always true..sometimes the jock falls for the hot nerd 😏'

'Loml 🙊💕✨: lmao at least I'm a hot nerd 💁🏻 do you work today btw'

'Zayn: duhhh 😍 & no I don't, I work Tuesday's and Thursday's now since I don't have class and my practices are late'

'Loml 🙊💕✨: got it 👍🏼 I'm gonna cook dinner tonight btw. Mila is gonna help me while you guys are at practice, she's with me right now but she's knocked out, she doesn't lose sleep for anything lol'

'Zayn: 😂 sounds like her boyfriend who I need to go wake up btw, I've gotten ready and eaten breakfast and he's still not up and we've got to be at the field in 15 minutes but then again...his sleeps all screwed since he got back last night. I'll see/talk to you later, love you booger'

'Loml 🙊 💕 ✨: okay, love you too baby'


"Every morning at this time we'll meet here and literally just run for an hour and a half; sometimes with a ball, sometimes without," Louis stated as he stood with Liam at the front of the group; they were both elected captains this year since they were now seniors.

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