Chapter 27

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*4 days later*

Lauren awoke slowly as she heard her phone go off, alerting her that she had a text message. She looked over at Zayn who was laying flat on his back with an arm over his eyes and noticed the lamp on his nightstand was still on. He had stayed late at work and after they ate dinner, Zayn had been up super late the night before doing who knows what, he wouldn't tell Lauren so she assumed it was something for their anniversary today. She felt him get into bed in the middle of the night but she had no clue at what time that was. His phone was on his chest so he must've fallen asleep while doing something.

Lauren turned over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone, it was 10:15 in the morning and she had a text from her mom.

'Mami 🌸: mama, don't forget that this new cycle of pills is the last one I'm getting for you. So towards the end of the month you need to remember to go to the doctors and get a new round. If you still want me to get them for you I can but I know you, you just want to have one more thing prove you're all grown up 😞 anyways, I love you and miss you baby. Don't forget to wish your little sister a happy birthday and congrats on your first year with Zayn. He's a wonderful boy and I'm so glad you have someone like him. Hope you have many more lovely years together 😘'

'Lauren: don't worry Mami, I'll get them. Thank you for being so helpful though, I appreciate it so much, you have no idea. I miss you guys too, we're going to pass by when Tay gets out of school later today to give her a gift so I'll see you then 😊 & thank you! I'm so glad I have someone like him too. I love you, see you later ❤️'

Lauren closed her thread with her mom and opened up the one she had with Taylor. Last year they hadn't really celebrated her birthday much and that's how Lauren was able to go out with Zayn that night. This year they were going out to dinner for Taylor's birthday and Lauren felt kind of bad that she wouldn't be there but promised to do something with her later that weekend.

'Lauren: happy birthday munchkin ❤️❤️❤️ I love you soo much and I'm so proud of the little woman you've become. I remember being so excited to hold you when I was little cause you were so tiny and now you're bigger than me 😭😭 I'm so sorry I'm not going to be at your dinner but I promise we're going to do something super awesome this weekend. I hope you have an amazing day and remember I'm always here for you no matter what, since the day you were born ❤️ love you alwaysssss I'll see you when you get out of school 😚🎉🎁🎂'

'Tayti 👯: thank you laur 💕 don't worry I know it's a big day for you too so happy anniversary ☺️ I really hope Zayn is my brother in law some day lmao, he truly is amazing and I'm so happy for you. You're such an awesome sister, you deserve it. I love you too and I'll see you later 😘😘'

Lauren set her phone down on her nightstand and turned back over to Zayn. She took the phone off of his chest and placed it on her nightstand too. Lauren slowly moved Zayn's arm off of his face and he stirred a bit. As she let him settle again she thought about the things her mother and sister had just said and the things her entire family had continually said throughout the past year and they couldn't be more right.

Lauren lifted up the comforter and straddled Zayn slowly as she placed soft kisses on his collar bone and up his neck. Lauren heard Zayn groan and place a hand on her back as he moved beneath her. She moved her lips up to Zayn's jaw and left a trail of kisses on it. Lauren moved her hips on Zayn's as she took turns kissing his lips and his cheeks. Zayn opened his eyes and Lauren placed her hands on his cheeks; pushing her hips down on his as she gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Are you trying to kill me first thing in the morning," Zayn breathed once Lauren pulled back from the kiss.

Lauren giggled and placed another soft kiss on his lips, "Good morning and happy anniversary. I love you so so so so so so much; you're my other half, my rock, my bestfriend, my everything. This past year with you was incredible and I can't wait to have so many more that we lose count."

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