Chapter 13

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Lauren heard the door open downstairs and her name being called by Taylor. She quickly made her way out of her room and closed the door so Zayn wouldn't wake up.

"I'm up here Tay," Lauren said as she made her way downstairs.

"Oh hey, uh do you think you can give me a ride to Natalie's house, we have to finish this project that's due tomorrow," Taylor asked her older sister.

"Zayn's here, can Chris take you? Where is he anyways, didn't you two come home together?" Lauren questioned.

"Yeah but he left again to go to Richie's house," Taylor explained.

"Freaking idiot, why didn't he tell me anything," Lauren said rolling her eyes and Taylor shrugged. "Okay give me a second, Zayn's asleep," Lauren said walking back upstairs. She made her way into her room and sat down close to Zayn.

"Baby.." Lauren spoke quietly as she shook Zayn. He seemed to be quite the heavy sleeper because he didn't even budge. "Babe, wake up," Lauren said shaking Zayn a little harder. Zayn opened his eyes and blinked a few times before getting oriented again and sitting up.

"What happened, are you okay," Zayn said sleepily as he rubbed Lauren's arm.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry I didn't want to wake you up but Taylor needs me to take her to her friends house so they can finish a project that's due tomorrow. You can stay here sleeping if you want, I just wanted to let you know," Lauren explained as Zayn ran his hand through his newly cut hair and rubbed his eyes.

"No, I'll go with you," Zayn said uncovering himself from under the comforter, "you should've woken me up when you woke up."

"You looked too precious, I couldn't do it," Lauren smiled and Zayn pressed a quick kiss on her lips before getting up. He grabbed his shirt off the floor and slipped it on before walking over to where his shoes were to put them on. Lauren walked over to the closet to grab her flip flops and put them on.

"You changed your pants," Zayn seemed to have stated rather than asked.

"Yeah..why," Lauren said walking to the doorway where Zayn stood.

"No reason.." Zayn responded eyeing Lauren's butt.

"Stop that," Lauren smacked Zayn's arm and he chuckled. Zayn moved closer to Lauren and placed his hands on Lauren's hips and slowly moved them to her backside.

"My little sister is down stairs," Lauren whispered as Zayn got close to her lips. He pressed them onto hers and she felt him squeeze her butt before pulling back from the kiss.

"You're obsessed," Lauren giggled.

"Sue me," Zayn smirked before loosely grabbing Lauren's fingers and walking out of her room. They made their way downstairs and Taylor was sitting on the kitchen counter eating a sandwich.

"Hey Tay," Zayn said as he and Lauren walked into the kitchen, Lauren walking over to the fridge.

"What's up Zayn, sorry you had to wake up," Taylor responded as she swung her feet.

"No worries," Zayn smiled, "so what's this project you have to do?"

"It's some stupid geometry thing. We have to draw something and then try and put as many circles, triangles, and squares into it and then get the dimensions of all of them," Taylor explained.

"Wow..sounds like a blast," Zayn sarcastically stated. "You're doing all that in 9th grade?" Zayn questioned.

"Yeah, private school life," Taylor half smiled.

"But at least you get to play the sport you love with a good team, right?" Zayn nudged Taylor.

"Right," Taylor smiled.

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