Chapter 32

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*2 weeks later*

"Babe can you stop fidgeting," Zayn grabbed Lauren's hand as they sat in the waiting room of Dr. Molina's office. They'd gotten back from Cuba earlier in the week and Lauren had been anxious the whole week for their appointment today since they were most likely going to be able to find out the sex of the baby.

"I'm sorry, I just want to find out already," Lauren squeezed Zayn's hand and he reciprocated the squeeze.

"You aren't even going to find out today, you're going to find out tomorrow," Zayn reminded Lauren.

"Aw shit that's right," Lauren sighed. Dinah, Normani and Ally had asked Camila and Lauren if they wanted to have a gender reveal party and the only reason they'd both agreed was because they both had their appointments today, Friday, and the party would be tomorrow. "That reminds me, where the hell is Normani," Lauren looked down at her phone and texted her.

'Lauren: if you don't get here in like 5 minutes I'm gonna look at whatever is in the envelope that the doctor gives me'

Once she hit send Normani came in the door, looking over at where Lauren and Zayn were sat.

"I just texted you," Lauren stated after Normani greeted the both of them and sat next to Lauren.

"I was on my way up; Ally and I went to buy some things for tomorrow and it took a little longer than expected. Have you guys gone in yet?" Normani asked.

"No, should be any minute now though," Lauren looked over at the clock that was on the wall.

"Oh okay. So which one of you is team girl and who's team boy?" Normani asked with a smile.

"The boys are team girl and me and Camz are team boy," Lauren told Normani and she made a note in her phone.

"Do you guys have names?" Normani wondered, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, Maddox Alexander Malik or Diana Grace Malik," Lauren smiled.

"Cute. What about Mila, do you know?" Normani asked.

"Yes, Ava Sofia Styles or Aiden Xavier Styles," Lauren told Normani and she wrote again in the notes of her phone.

"Also cute. Okay thanks Lo," Normani said as she wrote in her phone.

"Lauren Jauregui?" one of the assistants opened the door that led to the exam rooms.

"Ready babe?" Zayn asked and Lauren felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Yeah," she said as she stood up, Zayn and Normani following close behind. "That's me," Lauren said to the assistant once they were at the door.

"Follow me," the short woman smiled and led the three of them into one of the exam rooms. She took Lauren's vitals and wrote down the results quickly.

"Dr. Molina will be in any minute, good luck today," she smiled and walked out of the room.

"Are you excited?" Normani asked the two of them once the assistant left the room.

Zayn and Lauren both nodded and Normani smiled at them, "Don't worry, the hours between now and tomorrow will fly by."

"I don't know if I'll be able to wait," Lauren confessed and Normani laughed.

"If you wanted someone who was going to let you get away with finding out before tomorrow you should've asked Ally to come," Normani teased.

"What do you think it's gonna be Mani?" Lauren wondered and she felt the butterflies rumble in her stomach as she thought about what was going to happen within the next few minutes.

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