Chapter 14

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*1 week later*

"Mila why are you taking so long we're literally just going to the park to watch the guys practice and then coming back to my pool," Lauren stated annoyed as Camila still rummaged around in her drawers.

April was right around the corner and the weather in Miami was already well in the 90s. The two couples had talked about a double date but they both came to the decision that they'd much rather hang out all day at home by the pool than go out somewhere and waste money when prom was quickly approaching.

"I know that, but I still want to look cute," Camila stated and Lauren sighed. "Instead of being all grouchy come help me look for my shorts. Why are you so ugh and moody I want to strangle you," Camila asked.

"I'm not," Lauren responded shortly as she came over and sat near the drawers where Camila was searching.

"I've known you my entire life, something's bothering you," Camila looked over at Lauren.

"I guess I'm just kind of annoyed but it's not really something specific, it was like a series of events this morning. I was talking to my mom about renting a room at a hotel for the weekend of prom so we can go to the parties and stuff after prom and then go to the beach the rest of the weekend but she won't let me because I told her I'd stay with Zayn. I get why she won't let me but it just annoys me cause I figured she would since she trusts me. Then when I called Zayn to talk to him about it he seemed like super preoccupied with whatever, I don't even know what, and I just hung up on him. Like I don't know why I let it bother me it's not that big of a deal, I think it was just cause I was annoyed with my mom so I kind of displaced it and he's been texting me since I hung up on him but I'm still bugged and I don't feel like talking," Lauren explained.

"Don't let that bother you today, we have till the end of April to get all that situated. You can bring it up to her again later or we can come up with something else cause I'm sure my mom will have the same answer for me. Also, talk to Zayn, I think I know him well enough to know that he's most likely pulling his hair out right now. He probably thinks you're mad at him," Camila suggested.

Lauren sighed, "You're right. Are these the shorts by the way?" Lauren said showing Camila some high waisted jean shorts.

"YES! What the hell, how did you find them in a second," Camila exclaimed and grabbed them from Lauren.

Camila stood up and walked over to her bed to grab the black tank top/crop top she had laid out earlier. Lauren stood up and Camila tossed her cell phone to her.

"Talk to him," Camila said again.

Lauren sat down on Camila's bed and unlocked her phone. Camila had been right about Zayn probably thinking she was mad at him because she had several missed calls and texts from him.

'Baby 🙊💙: why'd you hang up?

hellooo, answer the phone

Laur, what happened

Please pick up the phone or text back..

We're on our way to the park, call me please


Baby please talk to me, I'm going crazy here'

'Lauren: camila is almost done getting ready, we'll be there soon'

'Baby 🙊💙: what the hell happened'

'Lauren: nothing happened, we'll talk later'

'Baby 🙊💙: you're worrying me...'

'Lauren: it's not a big deal, don't worry'

'Baby 🙊💙: anything relating to you is a big deal for me'

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