Chapter 15

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Lauren's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight entered the hotel room through the window and she wished they would've closed the curtains to not be disturbed by the light. Lauren looked down at Zayn who was still asleep. He was laying on his stomach and had one arm on Lauren's body. The hand from that arm was over one of Lauren's breasts making her chuckle at her boyfriends subconscious decisions. Lauren grabbed Zayn's arm as she slid down a bit, placing it over her shoulder as she turned on her side to face him. Zayn didn't budge, he was such a heavy sleeper it worried Lauren sometimes. She watched his back rise and fall as she draped her arm over his waist. Lauren scooted her naked body closer to Zayn's, sliding one of her legs under his. As she did Zayn stirred in his sleep a bit, turning on his side to face Lauren. Zayn remained with his eyes closed but moved his arm under Lauren's and pulled her closer. Lauren intertwined their legs and moved her hand to Zayn's back, softly moving her nails up and down it. Lauren placed a soft kiss on Zayn's lips that were close to hers. Zayn opened his eyes slowly as Lauren pulled back from the kiss. As their eyes met Lauren smiled a small smile.

"Good morning gorgeous," Zayn smiled before placing another kiss on Lauren's lips. "I can't believe I'm not dreaming right now," Zayn chuckled, "how did you sleep?"

Lauren smiled at Zayn's comment, "Ridiculously well and I think it's cause you were next to me all night," Lauren responded as she ran her hand up Zayn's body and caressed his face. Lauren was about to kiss Zayn again when she heard her phone ringing. Zayn sighed and Lauren sat up and leaned over him reaching for the nightstand where her phone was.

"It might be my parents," Lauren noted as she grabbed her phone. "It is, it's my mom," Lauren said as she answered the call and placed her hand over Zayn's mouth so he wouldn't say anything.

"Hello?" Lauren answered.

"Hey Laur, did I wake you up?" Clara asked on the other side of the line.

"No, I woke up a little while ago," Lauren responded.

"Oh, how'd it go last night, what are you guys up to," Clara questioned.

"It was really fun, I'll send you pictures. We're not up to much right now, Mila is showering and I'm waiting for her to get out so I can shower. We're going to the beach today," Lauren answered.

Zayn laughed as Lauren lied to her mom, making Lauren press her hand down against Zayn's mouth more.

"What was that?" Clara asked.

"Oh that was just the TV, Camila turned it on this morning cause she woke up before me," Lauren made up an excuse and looked at Zayn with an incredulous look as he silently laughed.

"Oh well, I hope you guys have fun today, make sure you put sun block on," Clara mentioned.

"I know mami," Lauren stated as she eyed Zayn who was biting the fingers that covered his mouth.

"Well I'll let you go, be safe hija, love you," Clara said.

"I will be, love you too, talk to you later," Lauren said before hanging up the phone. "Are you trying to get me in trouble?" Lauren asked Zayn as she removed her hand from his mouth and laid back next to him.

"Sorry," Zayn chuckled as he draped his arm over Lauren's stomach and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

"Camila texted me," Lauren said looking at her phone. "She said her and Harry are already up and they're getting ready to eat breakfast is we wanna meet them in half an hour in the lobby. I really do need to shower though and I need to get all this make up off my face," Lauren stated.

"Me too, well not the make up part," Zayn said with his lips still pressed to her shoulder and she felt him smile against her skin.

"There's no way we can both shower and be ready in 30 minutes," Lauren said looking over at Zayn.

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